Ask Unclutterer: CD storage
Posted in: UncategorizedReader Christy submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:
I use iTunes and have burned all my CDs to iTunes. I also have a huge box in my basement of all the hardcopy CDs.
Is there any reason I would need to keep them (computer crash or something), or am I safe to start giving them away?
Christy, the idealist in me says that if you have burned all of your CDs in a lossless format and you have your computer backed up to a secure online location, you should be fine getting rid of your physical CDs. However, the pragmatist in me has to admit that there is a box of CDs in my basement and I wouldn’t even do what I just suggested.
Also, from a legal standpoint, you aren’t supposed to have a digital copy of a CD without also having the physical copy.
I guess when it comes down to it, my official advice would be to simply get rid of the jewel cases (they can be recycled in most communities) and store all of your hardcopy CDs in a CD Notebook. If you do this, you won’t have to pay the fees to store all of your lossless music data online and you’ll cover your arse if the RIAA ever comes knocking at your door.
Thank you, Christy, for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column.
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