Ardbeg Whisky Distillery: We visit the wild island of Islay to discover what makes Scotland’s peatiest single malt so unique

Ardbeg Whisky Distillery

Those familiar with single malts will recognize the tiny, wild island of Islay as the birthplace of Scotland’s most heavily peated whiskies. Once home to over 20 distilleries, Islay (pronounced “eye-lah”) now hosts just eight, but the few remaining are some of…

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Anchor Brewing Fort Ross Farmhouse Ale: San Francisco’s storied brewery introduces an herby Belgian-style beer for summer

Anchor Brewing Fort Ross Farmhouse Ale

As a visit to NYC’s CultureFix taught us last spring, saison-style beers are incredibly refreshing when the mercury rises. While many are hard to come by, San Francisco’s storied …

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Angel’s Envy Rye Whiskey: Rye re-imagined with a Caribbean rum cask finish

Angel's Envy Rye Whiskey

When it comes to whiskey, experimentation should be done with caution. There’s a reason the rules are in place, but great things can come from coloring outside the lines. Distiller Lincoln Henderson of Louisville Distilling Company…

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Interview: Stu Waters of Stu’s Pickles: The vinegar freak tells us how he adds a briny punch to a classic Bloody Mary

Interview: Stu Waters of Stu's Pickles

by Madison Kahn Stu Waters loves pickles. The Midwesterner started experimenting with food in college and upon graduating, decided to leave his philosophy degree behind for a culinary education. Waters quickly found his niche in fermentation and a romance with pickles ensued. Claiming…

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Oola Flavored Vodka: Pepper, citrus and rosemary infusions from a Seattle-based microdistillery

Oola Flavored Vodka

Between 50-year-old whiskey and 19th-century curaçao, vodka has a tendency to fall by the wayside in our hunt for sipping spirits, but a recent encounter wtih Oola’s flavored vodkas has certainly changed that. Oola, a micro-distillery in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, operates under a “grain-to-glass” mantra—a selling…

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Small Sake: Meet the contemporary rice wine that is quickly gaining popularity from east to west

Small Sake

For many Westerners, remembering one’s favorite brand of sake can be difficult due to linguistic differences. Removing that complication marks one of the core ideas behind Small Sake, a new drink from Hong Kong-based Swede, Pontus Karlsson. Karlsson has focused on taste as much as the name of his…

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LN-CC Additions: The Dalston concept shop’s new Chameleon mezcal bar and a mirror-clad Secular Space

LN-CC Additions

by Sabine Zetteler It’s Fashion Week in London, and the city is abuzz with gossip, martinis and forward-thinking style. Frankly, we’re exhausted—and to seek a little solace we’ve headed back east to LN-CC, the place where even the most po-faced fashion fiends can take a little time to chill out….

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Best of CH 2012: Booze + Snacks: Futuristic food cells, yerba matte beer and a 50-year-old whiskey in our look back at the year in food and drink

Best of CH 2012: Booze + Snacks

We ate and drank the best of 2012 and plan to do the same in 2013. This is the heyday of the gourmand, with everyone everywhere experimenting with ingredients and looking to explore the final reaches of the food-obsessed revolution. Below you’ll find pairings of our favorite food and drink…

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The Balvenie 50 Year Old : Bottling Malt Master David Stewart’s storied career

The Balvenie 50 Year Old

At a dinner celebrating the 50-year career of The Balvenie’s Malt Master David Stewart, highlights of the night included the opportunity to taste the company’s most recent bottling of their extremely rare 50 year old whiskey. Cased in hand-blown glass and housed in an astonishing hand-crafted wood box made…

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Spirits of Norway

Sur une musique composée par Fieldscarecrow, Nicholas Buer nous présente cette superbe vidéo appelée simplement « Spirits ». Une captation réalisée au nord de la Norvège dans la zone de Tromvik : un lieu propice aux aurores boréales. Cette création est à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

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