My name is: CARRIE

Mauro ha scelto: il nome della carota del toy vegano The Carrot Slayer è: CARRIE!
Il primo a dirlo è stato dunque ‘Ste 79′ il 24 maggio: a lui va il nuovo toy di Very Bravo.
Due ‘Special Mentions’ a Julienne proposto da ‘Riccardo B.’ il 24 maggio e Maria Antonietta proposto da ‘Angela’ sempre il 24 maggio. Per loro in regalo uno sticker pack di Very Bravo da ritirare direttamente presso lo store Atom Plastic di Milano.
Grazie a tutti i partecipanti, siete stati numerosi e fantastici! Alla prossima 😉

My name is: CARRIE


L’artiste australien Craig Redman est à l’origine de Darcel, un avatar qu’il s’amuse à dessiner et mettre en situation. Aussi membre du collectif Rinzen, Redman offre une vision pop et colorée de son quotidien à travers ce personnage aux traits simplifiés. Plus d’images dans la suite.












Previously on Fubiz

Label Love: Elizabeth & James Jewelry Keeps It Simple This Season

imageYou’re probably already familiar with Elizabeth & James, if not for the fact that the line is the design-child of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, then certainly for their slew of overpriced (yet still totally covetable) shoes at Shopbop. But did you know that the duo also does jewelry! Usually our jewelry designer spotlights involve labels that really love extravagance — opulent bib necklaces, jewels and feathers galore… Such is not the case for Elizabeth & James’ latest jewelry collection. For Spring/Summer 2010, they opted to keep things simple yet chic: a classy color palette of silver and gold, with nary a bib nor bead in sight! The collection takes on a decidedly Southwestern feel, with feather motifs, arrows shapes, and even dangling snake earrings, but overall the pieces seek to add a subtle dash of shine, not make or break your whole outfit. Take a look at the slideshow for some featured pieces from the latest collection!

view slideshow

Container Studio by MB Architecture

New York studio MB Architecture have completed an art studio in the woods made of two steel shipping containers in Amagansett, New York. (more…)


Apri bottiglie disegnato da Studio Psyho. Purtroppo resta per ora un concept!



Happy Memorial Day!

At Unclutterer, we’re taking the day off from work to honor those who have fallen in service to our country and those who have passed before us. We’ll see you back here tomorrow for regularly scheduled content!

Storage unit by Lisa Sandall

Storage unit pensata dalla danese Lisa Sandall.

Storage unit by Lisa Sandall

Umbrella with Coffee holder

Questo Coffee holder resta un concept di Jung-Woo Lee. Buono finchè la pioggia scende a 45 gradi!

Umbrella with Coffee holder

Anywhere – A Travel Guide

La studentessa svedese Magda Lipka Falck, ha progettato Anywhere – A Travel Guide. Una guida turistica concettuale per un nuovo modo di interpretare il viaggio.

Anywhere – A Travel Guide

Anywhere – A Travel Guide

Anywhere – A Travel Guide

Porter x Coffee and Milk Rucksack

Nuova collaborazione tra Coffee and Milk e la giappo label Porter. Per ora lo si trova qui, fatemi un fischio quando lo vedrete in Italia.

Porter x Coffee and Milk Rucksack