Chopping Slide

Love this unique and sleek chopping knife by Andreas Kalt! Reminds me of how Nigella goes on a chopping spree with her herbs. Because of its bulk size and sharp blades, the knife disassembles and can be safely stowed in a drawer. I bet your kitchen can do with this baby, and so can mine!

Slide is a 2012 iF Design Talents entry.

Designer: Andreas Kalt

Yanko Design
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(Chopping Slide was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Chopping Board Experience Gets Better
  2. Slide of Hand Living
  3. Slide That Chair Together

Electric heated butter knife

In caso di burro ancora freddo, questo coltello elettro-riscaldato ve lo fa spalmare senza problemi. Prodotto da Warburtons.

Knife Typography

Focus sur le projet de l’artiste Farhad Moshiri appelé “Life is beautiful” et présenté notamment à la galerie Perrotin en 2009. En plantant des couteaux pour créer ces quelques mots en relief, le résultat est à découvrir dans la suite en images.




Previously on Fubiz

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Heart Part

Knife, fork and scoop combine in one biodegradable utensil

Share food with a loved one with Heart Part, a cleverly designed eating utensil that opens up into two pieces combining fork, knife and scoop. Recently spotted at the NY International Gift Fair by our friend Alissia Melka-Teichroew of byAMT design studio, the Heart Part appeals to both food and design nerds with its smart use of form and space.

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As possibly the perfect—or at least the cutest—alternative to wasteful plastic cutlery, the Heart Part is made entirely of biodegradable polystyrene, and the dishwasher-friendly parts use 66% less plastic than regular cutlery. Besides minimizing the environmental impact of the everyday toss-away—an estimated 40 billion pieces of plastic are dumped in the world’s landfills each year—creator Fatima Fazal makes a social gesture by donating nine percent of profits to charity.

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Heart Part comes in five colors including fluorescent green and orange, rose, teal and black, and comes in packs of 10. To snag one for your next picnic or cheese party, head online to iHeart This or The Future Perfect where they sell for just $10 a set.

Soft Guerilla

Des nouveaux travaux par l’artiste et créatif Kyle Bean avec ces objets de Guerilla composés d’éléments inoffensifs et apparaissant dans Cut Magazine. Une idée très bien réalisée sur des photographies de Sam Hofman. Ces objets sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.






Previously on Fubiz

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Knife Block

39 euri ed è vostro!

Knife Block

Mark Evans

Mark Evans est un artiste qui s’illustre de façon singulière : pour réaliser des oeuvres de grand format, il utilise des couteaux afin de donner du contraste et de relief à des représentations de photographies percutantes. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.








Previously on Fubiz