Must-have Fire Mask

One of the more common injuries during a fire isn’t a skin burn, but lung damage from breathing in dangerous smoke. The Fire Escape Mask helps users to escape fire situations safely by catching smoke before it enters the lungs. A liquid reservoir is activated when the user opens the quick-access package, permeating the mask to absorb smoke. It not only protects the lungs, but also gives victims more time to escape to safety.

Designers: Jiang Jieyu, Fang Zishuo, Tong Shang, Hu Tengwen, and Chi Cheng

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Must-have Fire Mask was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Colorful Smoke by Kim Keever

L’artiste américain Kim Keever a fait de nouvelles créations abstraites pour son exposition « Across the Volumes » à la Waterhouse & Dodd en Avril 2014. A partir d’un mélange de peinture et d’eau, des sortes de volutes colorées apparaissent dans les airs, sous forme de nuages, champignons ou méduses.

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Andrea Galvani Photography

Andrea Galvani, une photographe italienne basée à New York et au Mexique, a fait cette série de photos intitulée : « A Few Invisible Structures ». Elle intègre des éléments cachés dans le décor et joue avec des structures et figures telles que des formes symétriques, triangulaires, circulaires ou linéaires.

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The Art of Smoke Bombs and Fireworks

Le photographe suisse Olaf Breuning, basé à New York et à Zurich s’est récemment intéressé à l’utilisation de bombes de fumées colorées pour composer des visuels d’une incroyable beauté. Déjà auteur de nombreux clichés d’une grande beauté, découvrez ces images dans la suite de l’article.

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The Art of Smoke Bombs and Fireworks

Gandalf-approved E-Pipe!

Electronic cigarettes are the future! They’ve triggered a revolution in the world of nicotine, but what about an alternative for pipe smokers? This clever design uses the same personal-vaporizer technology in the form of the classic smoking pipe. Cheaper, cleaner, healthier, and cooler!

Designer: Cyrille Durand

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Gandalf-approved E-Pipe! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Holy Smoke!

C-Thru is a helmet that is designed to help firefighter walk through dense smoke during smoke diving search and rescue missions. Time constrains of six minutes per mission, makes it imperative that the gear is optimal. C-thru gives them the edge thanks to the wire-frame vision of the interior geometry, surrounding the smoke diver. Using technological enhancements, the helmet provides a visual map of the interiors so that it becomes easy for the firefighter to locate the victims.

This is how it works:

  • C-Thru’s vision system integrates many technologies to aid firefighters, such as a head-mounted projection display, optical thermal camera, cloud computing, selective active noise cancellation and target acquisition.
  • The optical thermal camera captures the imaging of the surrounding area and sends the data to the smoke diver leader’s handheld device.
  • The data is calculated there and sent back to the helmet.
  • Newly generated 3D wire-frame data is projected by the head-mounted projectors through the retro-reflective front visor of the helmet.
  • This wire-frame outline of their surroundings helps firefighters find a path through the building and locate victims.

Designer: Omer Haciomeroglu

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Holy Smoke! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  1. Holy Driver
  2. UPDATE: Holy Cup of Doubleness
  3. A Holy Lamp for Lovers of Illusion


A Smoke Free World

Designed with both smokers and non-smokers in mind, the Spiro system aims to provide a quick use shelter for those who want to smoke without disturbing others. Its high tech filtration system and functional shape create an invisible curtain around the user, preventing second-hand smoke from entering public areas. Without walls, it’s easier to move in and out of and makes responsible smoking less of a chore for those who enjoy their ciggies. 

Spiro’s unique filtration system cleans the air with polarized media filter technology, which consists of a flexible activated carbon foam material at its base that works as a conductor for static electricity generated in the plastic fiber material on both sides. The carbon connects to powerheads in the air cleaner, where, under current, the plastic fiber material is charged , sucking bigger pollutants into itself from the passing air while the carbon neutralizes VOCs, harmful chemicals, smoke and odors.

The plastic fibers in the filter of Spiro Air Cleaners are cellulose acetate recycled from discarded cigarette butts processed through autoclaving and chemical treatment. This way, 95% material purity can be reached.  The outdoor version has an ashtray to collect butts and ashes in the smoking area, like any other smoking shelter. An estimated 1.7 billion pounds per year is “wasted” from cellulose acetate by throwing it away in the shape of filters. It biodegrades very slowly, staying in nature with toxic chemicals seeping from the filters into water and soil.  

The outdoor configuration of Spiro is an umbrella like folding shelter. It affords site-specific air cleaning where passive smoke is a problem in public areas, preventing it from moving into non-smoking areas by creating an air curtain around the perimeter of the umbrella. Because no walls are used, the space under the shelter is unobstructed as the single leg takes up little space. This allows users to move freely in and out of the umbrella. 

Easy opening and closing of the umbrella is done by an inflatable rim under the arms, which is operated by a radial compressor connected to the air intake fan. The indoor configuration provides a versatile solution for indoor air filtering and can be mounted on the ceiling or as a standalone object. It circulates the air in the room by moving the air along the ceiling which then moves down the walls, pushing air at the floor upwards. Both variations have a lighting function with a dimmable LED light shell to be used at home as ceiling light or outdoor lighting.

Designer: Csaba Kálmán

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(A Smoke Free World was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. A Drip-Free World!
  2. Green in the Virtual World is Good for the Real World
  3. Smoke And You Die Says The Ashtray


Claire Droppert Photography

Claire Droppert est une photographe et graphiste freelance résidant aux Pays-Bas. Cherchant l’inspiration à travers tous les paysages qu’elle observe, cette artiste toujours inspirées par la simplicité et le minimalisme nous offre des clichés absolument magnifiques à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Bloc Party – Truth

Produit par la société Nexus Production, voici le nouveau clip réalisé par Clemens Habicht pour le morceau Truth du célèbre groupe Bloc Party. Avec l’utilisation de fumées de couleurs vives, les membres du groupe évoluent en slow motion sur la musique de leur nouveau single. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

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Simon Davidson Photography

Simon Davidson est un photographe australien qui nous propose de découvrir l’univers des courses de voitures à travers des clichés maîtrisés de burnouts. Montrant des voitures en action et captant des instants avec beaucoup de talent, le rendu est à découvrir sur cette série.












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