ABCs of Branding Posters

Une œuvre du designer Jason Dean, basé à Orlando, autour d’un alphabet uniquement construit avec les marques les plus célèbres de notre époque. Des affiches imaginées en relief et disponibles en 2 versions sur la boutique Merchline. En édition limitée à 500 copies.




Previously on Fubiz

Call for Entries: 22nd Annual Warsaw Poster Biennale

Deadline for this international competition is January 15th. For more info on what the submission regulations are click here. To see selected winners of past competitions dating back to 1966 see this.

Posters for Brocante by Demian Conrad

Swiss designer Demian Conrad has created a series of posters for a flea market in Bellinzona, Switzerland. (more…)

3D Posters Illusion

Une excellente idée avec ces posters conçus par le graphiste Ersinhan Ersin. Une collection d’affiches en deux dimensions qui donne pourtant l’illusion d’être en 3D. Plus d’images de son travail dans la suite de l’article.







Previously on Fubiz

Transparency Series

Dans la lignée du travail Camouflage par Liu Bolin, voici les posters et la série de photographies intitulé “Transparency” par l’artiste Khristian Mendoza. Une conception transparente et très efficace sur ces affiches promotionnelles. Plus d’images dans la suite.







Portfolio de Khristian Mendoza.

Previously on Fubiz

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Even in today’s technologically advanced age, posters are still very powerful tools to communicate opinions and information on a universal level. We’ve included a few of our favorites for your perusal.

F*ck You Sida! (AIDS)

Poster by Joe Scorsone and Alice Drueding

Stop AIDS by Fang Chen

Slingshot by Chaz Maviyane-Davies

Together Against by Benito Cabanas Elveno

AIDS the Killing Bite of Love by Anthon Beeke

Cardon Copy

This image has no alt text

This is a great project by Cardon Webb (Cardon Copy) in New York. He finds cluttered, misguided, and often funny posters around the city, re-designs them to look better, which results in an overall more effective poster!

More on his site here. There are lots of examples for which he shows the design he created as well as the original poster.

via: It’s Nice That

2009 Taiwan International Poster and CI Design Awards Announced

More than 1,750 design works were submitted from 41 different countries in this years competition. A total of 232 works were selected (27 award winners and 205 specially selected entries). Stefan Sagmeister’s piece shown above called Levi’s ButtonFly was chosen as the grand prize winner. To view the entire list of selections go here.

From the VC Archives

Circa the 2008 presidential election, VC presented an iconic poster series that examined some of the most pressing issues of our time. To mark the occasion, which sparked a fascinating dialogue amongst Visual Culturists, we’ve decided to pull it out of the archives, dust it off and place it back on display for the sake of exploring just how much progress, if any, we’ve managed to make since then. To view the original post go to “Freedumb isn’t Free”.

Half Empty or Half Full?

Here is a clever series designed by Because Studio for the pessimist and optimist. An added tid bit is that the ink coverage on each poster amounts to exactly 50% of the surface area.
