Era Design Competition

Pour célébrer son 90ème anniversaire, la marque New Era a décidé de donner carte blanche à 90 artistes européens afin d’exprimer leur créativité sur le support de la célèbre casquette. Une exposition collective et de nombreuses déclinaisons, à découvrir en images dans la suite.
















Previously on Fubiz

Call for Entries: The Living Climate Change Video Challenge

Design 21 and IDEO have joined forces to host the Living Climate Change Video Challenge.

For details see below:

From Press Release:
Looking to inspire new choices through positive, design-centered thinking, IDEO – a global design and innovation firm – launched the Living Climate Change initiative last fall. Its goal is to extend the dialogue beyond policy and politics and toward inspiring, human-centered scenarios that create new possibilities for business and society. Now IDEO is partnering with DESIGN 21 – a popular online platform topromote design for the greater good – to create the Living Climate Change Video Challenge. People of all ages are asked to craft videos that envision a sustainable future as society moves along the path toward reduced carbon emissions.

“Living Climate Change is an open invitation to designers and non-designers alike to think creatively about an issue that impacts us all,” says Jennifer Leonard, IDEO designer and co-editor of “Our hope is that it will stimulate the kind of dialogue that creates community, supports optimism and inspires new choices.”

According to DESIGN 21 Founder, Haruko Smith, “We are thrilled to partner with IDEO on this social design project because we both believe that smart design can solve real-world problems on a global scale.” Smith adds, “As a joint venture between Felissimo and UNESCO, DESIGN 21 is guided by the premise that education, science, technology, and culture are critical tools to disseminate knowledge, create awareness and foster dialogue. Hopefully, this discussion will motivate designers
to rethink the future.”

Thanks Christine for the heads up.

GOOD Magazine Launches Design Competition For Haiti

GOOD magazine, has teamed up with PRE and Studio X to launch a design competition that seeks to rebuild Haiti. The call for entries asks creatives to come up with strategic, organizational, institutional, and/or architectural solutions to assist Haiti in their recovery efforts.

The winner of this month’s competition will receive half of the pooled entry fees, while the remaining half of the entry fees will be donated to the Haitian relief effort. Submit your ideas here.

Call For Entries: Culture Counts

From Press Release:
The best hope for peace in the world – yet one of the biggest challenges – is the pursuit of better communication and understanding between different civilizations, cultures and peoples. To help UNESCO achieve this objective, DESIGN 21: Social Design Network – an online platform founded by Felissimo and UNESCO to promote design for the greater good – launched the Culture Counts competition. Designers across the globe are asked to submit poster designs that celebrate 2010 as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures. The top 30 posters will be showcased in an exhibition at UNESCO headquarters in Paris during the second annual International Festival of Cultural Diversity in May 2010. An “Overall Winner” and two “Judge’s Picks” will also be chosen to receive cash prizes.

2009 Taiwan International Poster and CI Design Awards Announced

More than 1,750 design works were submitted from 41 different countries in this years competition. A total of 232 works were selected (27 award winners and 205 specially selected entries). Stefan Sagmeister’s piece shown above called Levi’s ButtonFly was chosen as the grand prize winner. To view the entire list of selections go here.

GreenPeace Design Awards Announced

The short-list of the GreenPeace Design Awards has been released. The winners will be announced at the Awards ceremony on July 31st, 2009. The above poster by Spencer Harrison was one of the pieces to make the short-list. View the full gallery here.

Celebrating Diversity

The results of Design 21’s logo competition are in with Yael Alkalay’s concept taking first prize. His logo will be acknowledged as the official logo for UNESCO’s International Festival of Cultural Diversity.

Call for Entries: AIGA (Re) Design Awards

The 2009 (Re)design Awards is now accepting submissions of work. The competition is focused on recognizing designers that have produced innovative sustainable solutions. Find out more here.

Call For Entries: American Graphic Design Awards

Spanning four decades, this design competition honors outstanding work in print, packaging, and interactive design. Deadline for submissions is June 10th. To learn more on the specifics click here.

NYC vs. London

Back in February we wrote about ‘Secret Wars’ a freestyle event that brings creatives together to battle it out on a blank 20 foot canvass.

From June 12–22 Secret Wars will be hosting a series of events culminating into a final throw-down between NYC and London-based artists. For more details you know what to do.