La Barbe!!! Kulte Original Series by S.Manel

Queste tees sono state disegnate dal talentuoso parigino Stéphane Manel per KULTE. Ritratti barbuti di Denis WILSON, Mick JAGGER, Paul MC CARTNEY & Sébastien TELLIER In vendita da Colette.

La Barbe!!! Kulte Original Series by S.Manel

Nomiya Paris

Dans le cadre du projet Art Home lancé à l’initiative d’Electrolux, voici ce restaurant Nomiya situé sur le toit du Palais de Tokyo avec une vue imprenable sur Paris. Conçu par Laurent et Pascal Grasso, l’habitacle de verre change de couleur au cours de la nuit. Plus d’images dans la suite.





Previously on Fubiz

Offf 2010 Paris

Dédié à la création digitale et numérique, le festival Offf propose des conférences, performances, projections, workshops et concerts durant 3 jours. Après Lisbonne et Oeiras, OFFF 2010 s’installe à Paris en Juin à la Grande Halle de la Villette. Fubiz est partenaire de l’événement.





Le thème de l’édition 2010 : “Nostalgia for a past future”. L’équipe du Festival à déjà dévoilé une dizaine de noms, parmis les cents designers participant à la manifestation : The Mill, Koichiro Tanaka, Daniel Shiffman, Joachim Sauter, H5, Non-Format, DixonBaxi, Firstborn, Keith Schofield, Dvein, Sosolimited, Steven Heller ou Craig Ward.

Bonus : Facebook et Photos du OFFF 2009.

Previously on Fubiz

SIRE glasses by Aekae

Zurich and London designers Aekae have designed a collection of glasses made of water buffalo horns. (more…)

Nomiya temporary restaurant by Pascal Grasso

Parisian architect Pascal Grasso has installed a temporary, transportable restaurant on the roof of Le Palais de Tokyo museum in Paris.

The structure features a dining room for twelve people with a panoramic view over the Seine and the Eiffel tower.

The restaurant comprises a glass cabin and a perforated metal screen covering the central cooking area.

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Corso Place Franz Liszt by Robert Stadler


Austrian designer Robert Stadler has completed a restaurant for the Corso brand on Place Franz Liszt in Paris. (more…)

Xavier Veilhan

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He’s a well known artist, living and working in Paris. This is one of his sculptures that’s currently showing at Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin until April 26th (the geometric shark is also really cool). It took me a second look to realize that this crossover of analog and digital subject-matter actually is a sculpture. More of his work can be seen here.

While browsing the site I also recognized the work he did for AIR. Checking out their website left me pretty impressed. It’s well executed and all the details are nailed down (music streams really well in the ‘records/audio’ section and the navigation makes sense). All design and backend was done by Supergazol in Paris.

Margaret Howell store by Pentagram


A new store designed by architect William Russell of Pentagram for clothing designer Margaret Howell opened in Paris last week. (more…)