Holy Cupcake Lover’s Paradise

Le studio taïwanais JC architecture utilise les boîtes de gâteaux comme un point de départ pour le design intérieur de la boutique « Les Bebes Cupcakery ». Une boutique tout en transparence, ultra moderne et esthétique. Une belle création à découvrir en photos ci-dessous.

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Holy Cupcake Lover’s Paradise 3
Holy Cupcake Lover’s Paradise 2

Brian Edward Miller

Brian Edward Miller propose des illustrations d’un rendu impressionnant. Réunissant ses œuvres sous le « Orlin Culture Shop », l’artiste américain démontre sa maîtrise parfaite du dessin et de la mise en couleurs. Des créations splendides à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Morgan Milano #nuovastagionenuovostore

Si dice che se vuoi vantarti dell’etichetta di snowboarder (almeno qui nella snobbosa Milano) non puoi non aver buttato il naso almeno una volta nel tanto amato/odiato Morgan di Milano. Lo storico punto di riferimento apre alla #nuovastagionenuovostore che tradotto significa: nuovi spazi, nuovi brand, nuovi riferimenti, nuove dritte.
Come nel vecchio film Big Wednesday nei panni del sapiente signor Bear c’è lo zio Robi, il solitario lupo di mare brizzolato che sa darti il consiglio giusto al momento giusto.

Morgan Milano #nuovastagionenuovostore

Emporia Shopping Center

L’un des plus grands centres commerciaux de Scandinavie se trouve à Malmö dans le sud de la Suède. Appelé ‘Emporia Shopping Center’, ce dernier a ouvert l’année dernière. Un projet architectural magnifique pensé par Gert Wingårdh à découvrir en images dans l’article.

Emporia Shopping Center
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Facebook Fan Counter

Fliike est un boîtier qui affiche en temps réel le nombre de likes d’une page Facebook. Pensé par Smiirl, ce gadget pensé pour être mis en avant dans divers endroits tels que des bureaux ou des boutiques permet de relier le virtuel au réel. Un objet proposé à 500 exemplaires numérotés à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

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Luca Barcellona @Maurobolognesi

Oggi sono capitato nello store di Maurobolognesi per una serie di riprese legate ad un progetto che vi svelerò nei prossimi giorni. Per chi non lo conoscesse, il negozio di Mauro raccoglie molti oggetti e mobili restaurati dal sapore scandinavo anni 60/70 che io amo in particolar modo. Tra le varie cose in esposizione, vi segnalo anche tutta una serie di disegni fatti a mano di Luca Barcellona come questa che vi posto qui sotto.

Mauro Bolognesi
Ripa di Porta Ticinese 47
20143 Milano

Luca Barcellona @Maurobolognesi

Luca Barcellona @Maurobolognesi

The Goodhood Life Store: East London’s cult clothing boutique opens a new Zen den of enticing design wares

The Goodhood Life Store

by Sabine Zetteler Five years ago, East London was blessed with Jo Sindle and Kyle Stewart’s hybrid clothing store and creative space, in Hoxton’s quiet little Coronet Street. Today, their Goodhood Store provides the primary reason to walk down that way, and the tiny shop has nurtured quite a following,…

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The Tappan Collective: LA’s enterprising young duo bring their fresh perspective on art to NYC

The Tappan Collective

by Alexandra Reed The Tappan Collective is now a go-to site for discovering and collecting original artwork and limited edition prints by a hotbed of emerging artists at an affordable price. The online shop is enhanced by a myriad of engaging digital content, as well as a physical presence at…

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Interview: Sebastian Kaufmann: The Kaufman Mercantile founder on curiosity, aesthetics and the rigorous selection process behind his online shop

Interview: Sebastian Kaufmann

By Paul Cantagallo It all started with a stapler. Sebastian Kaufmann of Kaufmann Mercantile, a Brooklyn-based online store specializing in all things beautiful, functional and durable, had been working in film production in Los Angeles for seven years when yet another cheap stapler found its way onto his desk. He…

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Grand St.: Discovery and discounts in a tech-centered retail experience

Grand St.

With the constant evolution of goods in the consumer electronics market, it makes sense to have an online store focused on highlighting these creative advances. Enter Grand St., a new members-only site peddling the latest gadgets at a discounted price. The site is as much about inspiration as it…

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