The International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2014

Name, fame and accolades, the perfect ingredients to a successful launch or a sustainable career! The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) opens its International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2014 and wants you – yes designers – YOU, to participate and win all of the above in just one go. The call for entries will remain open until February 14th, 2014 and the awards are open to designers, students and companies worldwide. The important dates and further instructions are after the jump.

IDEA accepts entries in the following categories:

  • Automotive & Transportation
  • Bathroom, Spa & Wellness
  • Children’s Products
  • Commercial & Industrial
  • Communication Tools
  • Computer Equipment
  • Design Strategy
  • Digital Design
  • Entertainment
  • Environments
  • Garden & Patio
  • Home Furnishings
  • Kitchen
  • Sports, Leisure & Recreation
  • Medical & Scientific
  • Office & Productivity
  • Outdoor Products
  • Packaging & Graphics
  • Personal Accessories
  • Research
  • Service Design
  • Social Impact Design
  • Student Designs – Concepts Welcome

For complete competition information visit:

Timelines and Fees are here.

  • Regular application deadline: Feb. 14, 2014, 11:59 PM EST
  • Late application deadline: Feb. 24, 2014, 11:59 PM EST

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(The International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2014 was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. 2011 IDEA Awards Registrations Are Closing In
  2. Top Picks from IDSA’s IDEA Awards 2013
  3. 50 Free Registrations to Red Dot Award: Product Design 2014!


Video Game in a Box

Une idée très astucieuse avec cette installation DIY représentant le jeu “Super Mario Bros” dans une véritable boîte en carton. Une mise en images de l’univers du célèbre jeu vidéo Nintendo, en utilisant la plateforme de programmation Teagueduino pour les circuits imprimés.


Previously on Fubiz

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Smart Fortwo – A Big Idea

Avec cette campagne signée BBDO Berlin dévoilée en 3 spots, Smart met en avant son modèle Fortwo autour d’animations incrustées dans le monde réel. Insistant sur l’aspect personnalisable et intime de la voiture, ce rendu frais et intéressant est à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.





Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Dezeen Watch Store: Skew, the latest watch by Tokyo designer Ross McBride, is now available at Dezeen Watch Store.

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Skew is designed so that the face can be rotated to view the display at different angles.

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Part of the Untrod collection for Japanese brand IDEA, Skew is available with a steel case and black strap, gold case and brown strap or black case and black strap.

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

See also: Extra Normal by McBride »

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Dezeen Watch Store is a carefully curated online store specialising in watches by named designers and boutique brands.

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Go to Dezeen Watch Store »

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

Here are some more details from IDEA:

Skew by Ross McBride

A wrist watch is an extension of its wearer, but more often that not, the wearer has to adjust his/her movements to suit the watch. Skew allows for a more natural relationship between you and your timepiece, by allowing you to adjust its digital display to your ideal viewing angle.

Skew by Ross McBride at Dezeen Watch Store

See all our stories about watches »

10 key calculator

Prendi la parte della tastiera che si usa di meno in assoluto e trasformala in calcolatrice. Unico pacco è che la numerazione è inversa! Disegnata dai giappo di IDEA.

10 key calculator