In Beijing, IKEA Is a Theme Park


It’s a Friday at the tail end of summer and everyone we know is on vacation, including probably you (why are you reading blogs?!), so we turn to something fun. David Pierson from the LA Times has filed this report from Beijing on the IKEA (or “Yi Jia”) store located there. While the store has been incredibly popular since its opening a decade ago, which is no surprise given how all of their big boxes always seemed swamped, this location has become something of a destination that only happens to offer shopping. People sleep in the beds, kids jump on couches, and families come to spend the whole day (which, if you’re anything like us, that last one sounds like the worst form of torture ever devised). The store’s management doesn’t seem concerned at all, hoping that the people who treat the shop as a theme park will return to buy, as China’s per-household income continues to rise. It’s a great, very odd story, and perfect for a lazy morning such as this. We’re just full of regret that we hadn’t read the piece earlier, when we were in Beijing back in May. We did go to a Wal-Mart over there, but that was as dull as any of them over here. Next time.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

The ever-evolving catalogue


An unusual show is currently taking place at the Jerwood Space in London: three artists have taken over the gallery and, starting from nothing, have been building an exhibition over the past month. The catalogue for the show, designed by The Partners, is similarly experimental…



Filmmaker Steven Eastwood, sculptor Jock Mooney and painter Mia Taylor are all working at Jerwood in Laboratory, exposing their art practice to visitors. In order to reflect the unpredictable nature of the show The Partners have created a catalogue that also evolves daily, and neatly combines print with digital media.



The catalogue uses content from the Laboratory blog, where the artists, curator, resident writer, photographer and designers all post updates on the exhibition. Each post on the blog is printed out and then added to the catalogue that is on show at the gallery for visitors to read. As each blog post prints out at a different size, no two pages in the catalogue are alike.



This is the second time that The Partners have worked with the Jerwood:  they created a make-it-yourself catalogue for last year’s Jerwood Show, which featured in the CR Annual. Laboratory is on show at the Jerwood Space until Sunday, but the catalogue will continue to be added to in the days following its closure, documenting the artists’ reflections on the experience. Sixty copies of it will then be packaged as a limited edition run, and people will have the opportunity to sign up for a copy via the blog. A film showing the catalogue so far is shown below.


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Workspace of the Week: Inspired office

This week’s Workspace of the Week is ~bnhymn’s collections crafted office:

Multiple small objects can easily look cluttered when they are displayed, even when they are all on a similar theme. The reason I chose this week’s workspace is because although the tiny art prints are different from card to card, there is nothing cluttered about this collection. Working in this space would be extremely inspiring — not distracting — and that is something to be admired. I think the bright wall color helps the collection stand out and look more organized, but so is the overall arrangement of the pictures. I really think this is a great space.

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.

Yuuml;ksel Arslan: A Retrospective


Returning to his native Turkey for the first time in 40 years, 76-year-old artist Yüksel Arslan ends his self-imposed exile for an exhaustive retrospective showcasing his obscure works at the Santralistanbul Museum in Istanbul.

Arslan moved to Paris 1961—where he reportedly ran with the likes of
Sartre, Breton and Dubuffet—avoiding artistic censorship for his socialist overtones and provocative satires of the inequities in the working world.

yuk-2.jpg yuk-3.jpg

The seven-month exhibition includes pieces dating back to the 1950s, reflecting both the political climate of that time period and Arslan’s subversive personality. Though there are a few pieces on display at the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, this exhibition will be one of the first in Turkey to show his work.

Yüksel Arslan: A Retrospective

13 September 2009-21 March 2010

Santralistanbul Museum

Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santrali

Silahtar Mah. Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/6

Eyüp-Istanbul, Turkey map

tel. +90 0212 311 7809

Animal Wall by Gitta Gschwendtner


London designer Gitta Gschwendtner has completed a wall that incorporates 1,000 nest boxes for birds and bats in Cardiff Bay, UK. (more…)

Tent Digital competition winners


Waggott Tripp & Graham, who created an installation where the viewer becomes the exhibit, are one of 10 designers to have won our Tent Digital competition for free exhibition space at Tent Digital during London Digital Week in September. (more…)

The Lighthouse Lays Off Half Its Staff, Now Controlled by Adminstrators


Following our story from Tuesday about Scotland’s national design and architecture center, The Lighthouse, currently in the same dire financial straights it was in last year before it was bailed out, it looks like it’s the beginning of the end, or at least a very serious bloodletting with the hopes that maybe somehow it can survive trimmed way, way back. Following a board meeting earlier this week, the organization has resorted to desperate measures, announing that it has laid off half its staff and will now be controlled by PricewaterhouseCoopers, to see if things are in any way salvageable. Here’s a bit about the layoffs from the new powers that be:

“Our key priority has been to be open and honest with the staff, and we met with them to announce the loss of 24 jobs with immediate effect.

“Clearly it is disappointing to have to make redundancies and our team will be doing all we can to help these employees at this difficult time.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Plof lamp by Yonoh estudio

The Plof collection brings to the market a new type of lighting, cold cathode, which brings many advantages. The cold cathode is a type of lighting th..

Linnea Strid

Linnea Strid est une jeune artiste suédoise en provenance d’Uppsala, spécialisée dans la peinture hyper-réaliste. De nombreux exemples sont disponibles dans la galerie dédiée. A noter la qualité des détails et le rendu très impressionnant.



La suite dans la galerie : Paintings by Linnea Strid

Previously on Fubiz

Villa extension by O+A


Amsterdam architects O+A have completed an extension to a villa near Eindhoven in the Netherlands. (more…)