Win a fabric package from Volksfaden

Volksfaden I hope you haven’t missed this great giveaway on B:Kids … you still have time to enter and perhaps win this very nice  "Going Back to School" FABRIC package from Volksfaden



Do you like my new screensaver? Thanks Lena and Congratulations Grace!

Hutong Bubble 32 by MAD

Beijing architects MAD have completed the first of a series of proposed bubble-shaped additions to traditional hutongs in the city.

The first bubble, called Hutong Bubble 32, provides a toilet and staircase in a hutong – a traditional but basic housing typology based around a courtyard that is under threat from rapid development in Beijing.

MAD’s Beijing […]

Vessel Chair by Fishtnk

Vesel chair is a prototype of a mass-customized furniture collection, by Fishtnk design solutions.

ROJO: new printed issue available for pre-order

ROJO®KYOI breach dynamics

ROJO®’s brand new ad free limited edition 240pg heavyweight printed issue is ready for pre-order, featuring wonderful artwork by A Nice Idea Everyday, Aliki Braine, Alex Mcleod, Clemens Behr, Gordon Magnin, Greg Gossel, Corey Corcoran, Dzine, Jackie Tileston, Henrique Oliveira, Terry Rodgers, Kent Rogowski, Alejandra Villasmil, Dominik Wieschermann, Ricky Allman, Dave Kinsey, Arnaud Loumeau, Tommy Støckel, Valero Doval, Zander Blom, Brian Cooper, Jaap Scheeren, Fernanda Cohen, Billy Sprague, Alejandra Laviada, Jacob Dahlgren, Sarah Applebaum, Zachary Keeting, Rachel Lattimore, Tomoo Gokita, Knotan, Rosemarie Fiore, Lisa Congdon, Petros Chrisostomou, Kerim Seiler, Miss Bugs, and superb cover by Wrenchmonkees. Check out the full online preview of the newest ROJO® printed issue here

–> CP luv

Creative Truths


A cool poster series bearing quotes from famous artists, poets and scientists.

Oded Ezer

De surprenantes expérimentations typographique à découvrir sur le portfolio de l’artiste israélien Oded Ezer. Parmi celles ci, Typosperma, son projet phare qui a pour but de créer un alphabet transgénique, mi-humain et mi-typographique. Plus d’images dans la suite.








Previously on Fubiz

VOV Building by VOID planning

Korean architects VOID planning have completed the interior of an office building for cosmetics company VOV in Seoul, Korea.

Called VOV Building, the project includes an office space, conference room, showroom, nail parlour and roof garden.

Undulating glass profiles surround the showroom and conference room, and there are 52 movable pillars containing storage.

The architects aimed to maximise […]

Style Spotlight: FLUD Watches Combine Function and Fashion

imageWhile watches are perhaps the most practical accessory a gal can adorn herself with, I feel like they get the least amount of recognition, having been overshadowed by bangles, cocktail rings, chandelier earrings, chunky necklaces for far too long. Well I think it’s time to change that and bring watches front and center! To do so, I’m introducing you a hot new watch brand- FLUD. They have an awesome range of styles that vary from classic and timeless, to fashionable and cutting edge, to totally outrageous and funky. All of the styles come in several colors and they have an incredible selection of super bold shades- perfect for incorporating this season’s bold color trend into your look. The best part is they’re affordable to boot, retailing for under $100! Check out my slideshow for my top five favorite styles and head over to for the full collection.

view slideshow

Visa section of Swiss Embassy by EXH Design

Shanghai-based design studio EXH Design have completed the extension to the visa savilion of the Swiss Embassy in Beijing.

The extension consists of a glass and bamboo façade over a steel structure.

Included within the new section are offices, a meeting room and a server room
Here’s some text from EXH Design:

Visa section of Swiss embassy
Client: Swiss federal […]