Dorothy, who brought us The Song Map and also The Film Map, has released its two latest prints (above) which look to celebrate colourful song titles and band names by displaying them in colour wheels that look a little like vinyl LPs…

The Colour of Song print (above, with a detail shots, below) features the titles of a whopping 576 songs including classics like Back in Black, Brown Sugar, Fools Gold, and Blue Monday, not to mention some guilty pleasures like Mr. Blue Sky, Goldfinger, and Pretty in Pink.

Above: Detail showing blue song titles, although the inclusion of Billie Jean seems a little tenuous!

Meanwhile, The Colour of Popular Music print (above, detail shots, below) includes the names of no less than 154 musical combos (and individual artists), from the glaringly obvious Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, and Orange Juice – to the more obscure Silver Apples, Black Flag and the Green Telescope.

Both prints are available to buy from wearedorothy.com/shop as signed and stamped limited edition prints for £100 and also as open edition prints for £30.

CR In print
In our December issue we look at why carpets are the latest medium of choice for designers and illustrators. Plus, Does it matter if design projects are presented using fake images created using LiveSurface and the like? Mark Sinclair looks in to the issue of mocking-up. We have an extract from Craig Ward’s upcoming book Popular Lies About Graphic Design and ask why advertising has been so poor at preserving its past. Illustrators’ agents share their tips for getting seen and we interview maverick director Tony Kaye by means of his unique way with email. In Crit, Guardian economics leader writer Aditya Chakrabortty review’s Kalle Lasn’s Meme Wars and Gordon Comstock pities brands’ long-suffering social media managers. In a new column on art direction, Paul Belford deconstructs a Levi’s ad that was so wrong it was very right, plus, in his brand identity column, Michael Evamy looks at the work of Barcelona-based Mario Eskenazi. And Daniel Benneworth-Gray tackles every freelancer’s dilemma – getting work.
Our Monograph this month, for subscribers only, features the EnsaïmadART project in which Astrid Stavro and Pablo Martin invited designers from around the world to create stickers to go on the packaging of special edition packaging for Majorca’s distinctive pastry, the ensaïmada, with all profits going to a charity on the island (full story here)
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