The best of the best: Wieke Somers’ Merry-go-round coat rack


The recipients of the Dutch Design Awards 2009 were announced on Saturday. Wieke Somers was awarded the Golden Eye—the award for the best of the best—on account of her Merry-go-round coat rack, installed in 2008 for the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam.

The coat rack is a circular system of counterweighted pulleys that raise and lower a series of rope hangers, where visitors hang their coats and other belongings. A hybrid between a cloakroom and a personal storage locker unit, each visitor accesses their pulley with a numbered key, creating a canopy of coats overhead and a visual character that changes with the seasons.

Other DDA winners include: Jelte van Abbema, recipient of the Rado Young Designer Award; the Flying Grass Carpet, winner of the Audi Design award; and Demakersvan, winner of the Toonvan Tuijl Prize.


The bookshelf by 20.87 Estudio

Libreria composta da ceste per la frutta di plastica assemblate. Disegnata da 20.87.

The bookshelf by 20.87 Estudio

The bookshelf by 20.87 Estudio

Facebook Facelift

Focus sur Facebook Facelift, un projet personnel du designer australien Barton Smith. Son challenge : redesigner la forme et les fonctionnalités du réseau Facebook. L’interface est plus compréhensible et met l’accent sur l’expérience utilisateur et le contenu. Vidéos disponible dans la suite.




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