On Friday, reader Martin asked for me to write about my ideas on how to promote simple living to friends, family and others, and I instantly fell in love with this topic. So, I moved a few things around in the schedule to write about it today.
(Before I get too far in, though, I want to say that this post concerns people who don’t live in your house and who are adults. We’ve talked in the past about spreading simple living concepts on to children and how to live with others who aren’t unclutterers. This post is about spreading simple living concepts to people outside your home.)
I wholeheartedly believe that there is only one way to introduce others to simple living:
Lead by example.
If other people see how relaxed you are, how stress-free your home and office are, how clear your life is of clutter, and how focused you are on what is important to you, they will ask you how you do it. When they ask, you can pass along the resources you have found helpful for your life.
You can recommend books, websites (Unclutterer!), workshops, listings for professional organizers (NAPO), and suggestions from your personal experience. Be helpful, but try not to be overwhelming. You don’t want to make the person feel even more stressed than she is already feeling.
In my mind, forcing someone to follow simple living practices is futile. I think that living an uncluttered life is amazing, but it’s a personal choice. As my Quaker friend often proclaims, “let your life speak.”