When they say run cold

Il freddo non ferma i locals del pontile.

The Lake

Le photographe belge Pierre Debusschere propose cet élégant court-métrage en slow-motion mettant en scène l’actrice Islid le Besco. Avec un montage de qualité et des choix esthétiques intéressants, cette vidéo a été produite par son studio 254Forest.




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Cool Hunting Video Presents: Omni Heat Electric

A look at the innovation and process behind Columbia Sportswear’s newest electrically heated outerwear

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Given the opportunity to create a video with Columbia Sportswear we were excited to get a behind-the-scenes look at the innovation at the core of the brand’s philosophy. We took a trip out to Portland, Oregon and spent some time in the innovation lab at the west coast headquarters, watching how their new Omni-Heat Electric line is tested. We spoke with resident innovation guru Woody and got some insight into the past, present and future of apparel, as well as Columbia’s dedication to continue pushing the envelope in outdoor wear and wearable technology.

Cool Hunting Video Presents: Bentley

Our latest video takes a look at the craftsmanship behind one of the world’s leading luxury auto makers

During a recent trip to England we were invited to tour Bentley’s factory in Crewe and had the chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at how these luxury powerhouses are put together from start to finish. The hands-on plant offered a wildly different experience than other car manufacturing processes we have seen and, by relying on a level of manual precision machines can’t always replicate, provided a fascinating example of the merge of technology and craftsmanship in creating truly luxurious custom automobiles.

Cocoon – Dee Doo

Voici en exclusivité sur Fubiz, le dernier clip de Cocoon pour le morceau “Dee Doo” réalisé par Matteo Crinelli et Roger Haus. En animation, cette création narre les rêves des 2 membres du groupe partant en voyage. Une réalisation fraîche et colorée à découvrir dans la suite.




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Fiji Vignette

Avec le projet “Fiji Vignette”, le réalisateur Riley Blakeway a suivi le sportif Taj Burrow un surfeur professionnel très doué. Une présentation avec ces 3 vidéos, afin de découvrir son talent et ses aventures affrontant des vagues impressionnantes. A découvrir dans la suite de l’article.




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Stumptown’s Colombia Source Trip

A short film takes an inside look at vertical integration

As fair trade business practices and sustainability issues become increasingly important in the food industry, it’s still easy to forget that there are actual values behind the buzzwords. A new short film from Stumptown coffee roasters gives a face to vertical integration as it explores the growing communities that make its brews possible. The Portland-based company traveled to Colombia with filmmaker Trevor Fife to create a gorgeous and informative record of their people and process.


While the company sources coffee from all over the world, the video focuses on their Colombian growers at Finca Augas Blanca, Finca Los Cauchos and Finca La Esperanza. When building a relationship with a new grower, Stumptown frequently takes this type of trip to ensure that the systems of production meet their high standards. Eventually, all growers incorporated into the Stumptown family are treated as in-house units of the company’s global process. The growers in the video repeatedly mention the importance of family in the culture of coffee growing, offering an element of poignancy to Stumptown’s unique vision.

Aside from the gorgeous mountain vistas and sumptuous details of the harvest, drying and roasting processes, the short film focuses on the individuals involved in the early stages of production and their commitment to the final product. “It’s not so much about the job itself, but the passion you put into it,” explains Walter Peña of Finca Aguas Blancas. “And the… feeling of belonging. It’s the most important part of being a coffee farmer.”

Check out more videos about the Stumptown process as well as their surprisingly useful brewing guide for use when preparing your next cup.

Dead Sea Lions – Yellow Books

Le groupe Dead Sea Lions propose un clip pour le moins étonnant afin de mettre en images le morceau “Yellow Books”. Réalisée par les Romains et Emmanuelle, cette vidéo propose, avec une direction photographique soignée, de voir les signes d’amour de maîtres à leurs chiens.




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MGMT – All We Ever Wanted Was Everything

Tiré de l’album du Late Night Tales, le morceau de MGMT “All we ever wanted was everything” est ici mis en avant par l’intermédiaire de cette très belle vidéo d’animation. Dirigée par Ned Wenlock, cette création mêle typographie et dessin afin de donner de la profondeur au titre.




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CH Capsule Video: Printemps Holiday Windows by Karl Lagerfeld

Our interview with the creative mastermind behind Paris’s most fantastic holiday installation

When Printemps invited us to Paris to interview Karl Lagerfeld about his designs for their holiday windows, we jumped on the opportunity. During our brief time with the cultural icon we talked about holidays, process and his abundance of creative resources. Just in time for the season, we present our latest video featuring the man who doesn’t care about holidays at all.