Workspace of the Week: Outdoor office retreat
Posted in: UncategorizedThis week’s Workspace of the Week is NomadJim’s tropical paradise:
Did you miss the office? I did the first couple times I looked at the picture. Here, I’ll help you find it:
Gorgeous! If I could actually concentrate enough in this beautiful scenery to do work, I can think of fewer places more visually inspiring to get a job done. NomadJim is one lucky individual. I can’t tell if there is a laptop tray for the computer, but I would add one if there isn’t (especially one that allows for airflow under the battery and processor — don’t want to broil your legs on the patio). Otherwise, this setup looks like perfection. Now, if you’ll all please excuse me, I’m going to close my eyes and daydream for a couple minutes.
Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.