Pantone releases Matching System replacement

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pYou can’t own colors, but you can darn sure own the numbers people use to refer to colors. Since the ’60s Pantone has made a tidy business doing just that, and A HREF=”″ today they launch the Pantone Plus Series/A, an updated replacement for the Pantone Matching System. The A HREF=”″ Plus Series/A “supercharges [the Matching System] with a host of new features, colors and digital tools,” including a sexy iPad app. Check it out:/p

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pWhat I’d like to see in the future: Pantone coming up with a numerical system to quantify human emotion. We’d see police reports stating “suspect indicates he was feeling Rage 264,” your spouse could tell you she’s feeling a 20% Grey Sadness, or on your birthday you could say “This is the best gift ever, I feel total Joy 5717-C!”br /
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An iPhone drawing for every day

Friday, May 7


Artist Kristofer Strom has been keeping a blog where each day he adds a new drawing created on his iPhone…


Saturday, May 8


Monday, April 12


The delightful images are created using the Sketchbook Mobile or Brushes Apps, according to Strom. “I started drawing these on the bus to and from my studio and thought, ‘hey, why not try doing at least one illustration each day?’,” he says. “It’s very relaxing. Put on some good music and just start drawing.”


Friday, April 30


Monday, May 10


A selection of the images are shown here. To visit Strom’s blog, go here.

Greg Lamarche

Focus sur les illustrations du new-yorkais Greg Lamarche. Après avoir débuté le graffiti dans les années 80, cet illustrateur a pu ensuite prêter ses talents pour des marques telles que Carhartt ou encore Zoo York. Une série de visuels remarquables dans la suite de l’article.









Previously on Fubiz

Electronic Calculator XS by plusminuszero

More from plusminuszero: the Japanese design company also launched this credit card-sized calculator in Milan last month. (more…)


“By the wind” is the new Nucleo research. The concept is creating a surface with a high degree of uncertainty as natural phenomenon like a..

ZFW watch by plusminuszero

In Milan last month Japanese brand plusminuszero launched a watch where the strap slots through the back of the case. (more…)

Hot In The Hive: Sprinkle Heart Ring

imageDash a ‘sprinkle’ of sweetness onto your accessories with this Sprinkle Heart Ring! VooDoo Pickle makes colorfully fun accessories as eclectic as their name is and the Sprinkle Heart Ring is no exception. The large plastic heart shape is pretty sweet and perfect for and girly-glam goddess, but the real treat is inside! Unlike many other fun and colorful accessories that only mimic the look or shape of candies and other sugary items, VooDoo Pickle’s Sprinkle Heart Ring houses actual sprinkles inside. Super cute and definitely sweet, the Sprinkle Heart Ring is a unique and interesting way to give your ensembles a dash of color for an affordable $12.00 at!

Price: $12.00
Who Found It: idabone was first to add the Sprinkle Heart Ring to the Hive.

Multitasker: The Chinese military shovel

This video is long (so click through it, or watch it over your lunch break), but really interesting. I wish I had one of these amazing tools. I could replace a number of items in my toolbox with the Chinese military shovel:

Scissor, bottle opener, hang, and anchor were my favorite purposes of this multitasker, simply because they were so unexpected (although, I think oar is stretching it a bit). It’s nice to see that necessity can breed such wonderful multi-tasking inventions.

What are your favorite multi-tasking tools?

(Note: There is no talking on this video, so don’t worry about turning off the sound if the background music starts to grate on your nerves.)

Zandra Rhodes Becomes University Chancellor, Slams Celebrity Designers

zandra.jpgZandra Rhodes is going back to school. Last week the pink-haired fashion designer was installed as chancellor of Britain’s University for the Creative Arts, formed through the merger of the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College, and the Kent Institute of Art & Design. At her London inauguration ceremony (likely the first in history to include a runway show), Rhodes eschewed the typical black cap and gown for a striking ensemble of her own design. “I wanted to create something that had the wow factor but remained in keeping with the sense of the occasion,” she said of her bedazzled fuschia robe and matching hat. “I hope the distinctive color scheme and intricately designed embroidery puts my own mark on what is usually a subdued, black garment.”

Rhodes, who studied at the Medway College of Art (a UCA founder institution) and the Royal College of Art in London, will act as the figurehead for the university, which has five campuses throughout the United Kingdom. She will also preside at UCA graduation ceremonies. But the new responsibilities aren’t likely to slow down Rhodes, who recently launched a new collaboration with British department store Marks & Spencer, attended a reception for fashion industry insiders at Buckingham Palace, and is busy organizing a San Francisco exhibition of the Aida costumes she designed for the English National Opera. She also still makes time to voice her strong opinions about topics ranging from copycat competition to politics. In a recent interview with the Telegraph, she took a swing at celebrity-“designed” fashion collections. “You know that these celebrities haven’t designed any of it,” she said. “They have taken things out of their wardrobes— by Balenciaga or some other brand— and had it knocked up by the chain, which is why [some of these] places lost a lot of their designers.”

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Unhidden by Leon Li and Ryan Ran

Design students Leon Li and Ryan Ran have designed a range of wooden office furniture incorporating tree branches. (more…)