Modern-day Colossus of roads: Colossal Media

pTravel a few blocks in any direction from Core77’s offices in Manhattan, look up, and you’ll see enormous billboards–without the billboards. The space-tight streets of New York have a lot of advertisements painted on the sides of buildings, from movie posters to alcohol ads, and last week I finally saw how they get them up there./p

pimg alt=”0colos03.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”1098″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pI watched as two guys from A HREF=”” Colossal Media/A hoisted a painter’s scaffold loaded with buckets and brushes up the side of a building, and after they came down at the end of the day, I approached them for a business card and asked if we could shoot a video of them working it. Turns out someone’s beaten us to it; be sure to check out their fascinating process captured in the “A HREF=”” Up There/A” documentary, below:/p

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Label Love: Minimarket Takes The World (& Sea) By Storm!

imageSwedish label Minimarket, founded by sisters Sofie, Pernilla and Jennifer Elvestedt back in 2006, has already snatched up multiple highly-coveted fashion awards in their short 4 years in business, like “Best New Designer” and “Best Designer of the Year” courtesy of Swedish Elle. So for their Spring/Summer 2010 collection, the girls decided to go out on a limb and go even more “out there.” The result? A collection that draws inspiration from both the ocean… and outer space! With astronaut-inspired boots, goggle-like sunglasses, wavy ruffles, shoulder pads that mimic the angles of manta ray wings, and prints that make fish scales look fashionable, the line proves that their combined imagination can be described as anything but mini! Take a look at the slideshow for a peek at their latest sky-meets-sea collection!

view slideshow

Chicago Finally Approves Plans for Daniel Burnham Memorial


A full ten months after the commission was officially handed out to David Woodhouse to design a memorial here in Chicago to honor the legendary architect and urban planner Daniel Burnham and the city has finally given it the go ahead. While privately funded and located in an area that seems like the perfect spot to celebrate the man who laid out the “Plan for Chicago” (near the Field Museum on the south side of downtown), objections about the $5 million expense and its location kept the memorial’s construction on hiatus this past half year. Now that they finally have the thumbs up, the Tribune reports that construction will begin next year and should be finished by 2012.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Contest: Vinci ‘The Carrot Slayer’

Drizzate l’occhio perchè questo è il nostro primo contest!
The Carrot Slayer è il solo 100% vegetarian toy disegnato da Mauro Gatti per Very Bravo e dopo infinite ricerche, ha chiesto aiuto al Grande Capo per trovare un nome alla simpatica carota. Avete voglia di darci una mano anche voi?
Le regole sono supereasy: come risposta vale un tuo commento, uno per utente, possono partecipare tutti da adesso fino alle 23:59 del 30 maggio. Se sei stato abbastanza originale, te lo porti a casa, pronto da esibire nella tua private collection.
Il vincitore sarà scelto da Mauro in persona e annunciato Lunedì 31 maggio!

Contest: 'The Carrot Slayer'

Take a good look cause this is our very first contest!
The Carrot Slayer is the only 100% vegetarian toy, designed by Mauro Gatti for Very Bravo. After some endless research, Mauro asked the Big Chief to help him find a name for the cute little carrot. Do you wanna pitch in?
The rules are super easy: to join the contest just leave a comment below, each user may comment only once, everyone can give it a try from now ’til 23:59 on May the 30th. If you’re creative enough, you’ll get to take The Carrot Slayer home and show it off in your own private collection. Mauro Gatti himself will pick the best name and the winner will be announced on the 31st of May.

Packing tips and tricks from flight attendants

Heading out on a summer vacation? Check out these wonderful packing tips from flight attendants in The New York Times’Packing Tips from Travel Pros.”

Now that nearly every airline is charging baggage fees, travelers are motivated to pack as efficiently as possible. And who knows more about packing than professional flight crews? In interviews with a dozen flight attendants and pilots, one theme emerged: to pare down and still have everything needed at the destination, think strategically.

Heather Poole, a flight attendant interviewed for the article, can fit more than 40 pieces of clothes and two pairs of shoes into her carry-on bag. She primarily rolls her clothing, but also “wraps” her nice clothes around her rolled casual items (which, are mostly 50-50 cotton-polyester).

Also, don’t miss the 12 image slide show that accompanies the article with step-by-step photographs showing how Heather Poole fits it all in her bag. It shows how-to instructions for even packing clothes you don’t want wrinkled.

Dulux Walls – Let’s Colour

Une belle initiative mondiale pour la marque Dulux, avec ce travail de l’agence Euro RSCG London. Un film Let’s Colour dirigé par Adam Berg durant 4 semaines au Brésil, en France, au Royaume Uni et en Inde. Des lieux transformés par les habitants, avec près de 120 couleurs de peintures.



Previously on Fubiz

James Jarvis x Stussy

Uno dei miei illustratori preferiti, James Jarvis, la mente dietro Amos, ha disegnato questa collezione di tees per Stussy. All’interno del post, trovate il video dell’intervista.

James Jarvis x Stussy

James Jarvis x Stussy

Stussy – James Jarvis from Stussy on Vimeo.


Il designer olandese Roeland Otten ha disegnato queste 26 sedie riprendendo tutte le lettere dell’alfabeto.


Greenpeace Kicks Off Redesign Contest for BPs Logo

If you had to guess what environmental activism group would be most interested/involved in the Gulf oil spill, you’d likely pick Greenpeace, and you’d be absolutely right (sorry, we’re not offering any prizes at this time). While they help in the clean up process, they’re rallying against the oil company responsible for the mess, British Petroleum, in a number of ways. Most relevant to our interests is their launching a contest to redesign BP’s logo. They’ve already made their own, changing the company’s “Beyond Petroleum” tag to “British Polluters,” with oil stains on their familiar starburst logo, which they snuck in and hung near the company’s offices in London (see the video below). Now they’re asking for an official rebranding, which they hope to receive from this contest. The winner’s new logo will be used for all of Greenpeace’s future efforts in fighting BP. All the entries they’ve received thus far are here.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

+ by Yaroslav Misonzhnikov

Saint Petersburg designer Yaroslav Misonzhnikov has attached two strips of felt to a chair for keeping cosy while working in winter. (more…)