Full-fat milk doorstop

Il designer inglese Duncan Shotton ha riconvertito la classica bottiglia del latte in un ferma-porta. Il contenitore in vetro è stato riepito con resina bianca assumendo così l’aspetto del latte. Il tutto pesa 1.2 kg tenendo le porte al loro posto!

Full-fat milk doorstop

Full-fat milk doorstop

Full-fat milk doorstop

Sculpted Wooden Animals

Questi animali sono stati scolpiti a mano utilizzando vari legni europei. Il modello della venatura del legno è stato accuratamente esaminato su ogni singolo animale. Rifinito con cera d’api senza uso di vernici. In vendita su Romp.

Sculpted Wooden Animals

Fiorucci Limited edition Harajuku

Tee limited edition Fiorucci disegnata da Harajuku. La trovate in vendita qui.

Fiorucci Limited edition Harajuku

Running on Empty

Une très belle vidéo en time lapse dans la ville de Los Angeles, directement inspirée par le travail de Matt Logue sur sa série de photographies Empty Los Angeles. Le concept est décliné en vidéo sur une bande son de Radiohead. A décourir dans la suite.

Previously on Fubiz

Recession Chic: Every Kind Of Maxi Dress for $70 Or Less!

imageSummer is right around the corner, and one piece that really works for the season is the maxi-dress. The maxi-dress is the perfect way to stay cool and comfy without showing too much skin. Defined by a long flowing skirt attached to a bare, breezy top, maxi dresses are surprisingly versatile and come in styles varying from casual and loungey, to dressy and almost formal. Whether you’re just bumming it on the beach, or in the spotlight at a summer soiree, a maxi dress will always have you looking glamorous, feminine and regal. Soft cotton versions in bright colors look perfect paired with some pretty sandals while a fancier, more embellished version looks sensual with strappy heels or wedges, but just because you’re take your dress style to the max(i), it doesn’t mean your credit card needs to go in the same direction! Click on the slideshow to see my favorite maxi-dresses at $70.00 or less!

view slideshow

Core-Toon: Co-Branding

pimg alt=”CoBranding468.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/CoBranding468.jpg” width=”468″ height=”749″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pArtist: a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/lunchbreath/”lunchbreath/abr /
More: a href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/cartoons/default.asp”View all cartoons/a/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/cartoons/core-toon_co-branding_16652.asp”(more…)/a
pa href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/fomuAKWcogb42VF6i2f3QkX8Xj0/0/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/fomuAKWcogb42VF6i2f3QkX8Xj0/0/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/fomuAKWcogb42VF6i2f3QkX8Xj0/1/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/fomuAKWcogb42VF6i2f3QkX8Xj0/1/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

Cloud Man

Un nouveau film en technique stop-motion et conçu en papier, sobrement intitulé “Cloud Man”. Un excellent travail sur les formes et les couleurs, et une réalisation des artistes Jesse Brown et Christian Hansen, sur la musique du groupe Grieves & Budo.


Previously on Fubiz

What Home Means to Me…pin it forward

Memento Mori

Memento Mori is an electronic clock if the form of human skull. The clock is a red projection on the forehead bone. The time looks like integral part ..

Plum Stool

The stool is the exploration into Carbon Fiber and its possible implementations into residential furniture. The objective of the product is to achieve..