2013 : The Year in Pictures by NYT

Comme le récapitulatif Reuters Photos of the Year 2013, le New York Times a mis en place leur « review complète » de l’année 2013 en images. Un récapitulatif des 12 derniers mois racontés à travers les clichés des photographes et journalistes aux quatres coins du monde. Tous les détails dans la suite de l’article.

CHICAGO 01/23/2013 Firefighters extinguished a five-alarm warehouse fire in single-digit temperatures. The water sprayed from their hoses froze quickly, leaving the area glazed with ice.

DAMASCUS, SYRIA 01/27/2013 A building burned in the Ain Tarma neighborhood after a Syrian Air Force strike.Goran Tomasevic/Reuters

PORT SAID, EGYPT 01/28/2013 Egyptians mourned the death of Mohammed Yousra, 27, who was one of seven antigovernment protesters killed in clashes with the police.Tara Todras-Whitehill for The New York Times

SAIDNAYEL, LEBANON 01/19/2013 Raeda, 15, and her baby brother are among 11 relatives sharing a tent here, after an explosion near their home in Aleppo, Syria, partly blinded her.Lynsey Addario for The New York Times

TEHRAN 01/20/2013 Iranians at the public execution of two men, whose stabbing of a man, caught on a video camera and posted online, caused an uproar.Ebrahim Noroozi /Fars, via Associated Press

ALLAHABAD, INDIA 02/10/2013 A man cradled his wife, who was killed in a stampede at a train station at the height of the Kumbh Mela, a Hindu religious festival.Kevin Frayer/Associated Press

GRANJENO, TEX. 02/13/2013 United States Border Patrol agents detained migrants from Guatemala.Kirsten Luce for The New York Times

BROOKLYN 03/03/2013 The Orthodox Jewish community gathered for the funeral of Nathan and Raizy Glauber. The newlywed couple were expecting a baby when they were killed in a hit-and-run accident.Robert Stolarik for The New York Times

PARWAN PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN 04/11/2013 A girl read in front of her class at Mir Ali Ahmad Girls School.Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

AZAZ, SYRIA 02/11/2013 A refugee at the Bab al-Salam camp on the northern border. Despite claims that millions of dollars in humanitarian aid was sent to Syria, there was little sign of relief at the camp.

DAMASCUS, SYRIA 03/28/2013 Syrian soldiers and investigators surveyed the area where a mortar shell exploded in a cafe at Damascus University. Andrea Bruce for The New York Times

NEAR MAGADI, KENYA 03/04/2013 Masai voters waited to cast their ballots in a crucial, anxiously awaited presidential and parliamentary election. Goran Tomasevic/Reuters

LOS ANGELES 04/11/2013 Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, left, and Thomas Bangalter of the French duo Daft Punk watched Coan Buddy Nichols skateboarding. Chad Batka for The New York Times

BOSTON 04/15/2013 Police officers scrambled after the second explosion near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. John Tlumacki/The Boston Globe, via Associated Press

PAKTIA PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN 04/15/2013 The Third Brigade Combat Team of the 101st Airborne Division, known as the Rakkasans, climbed down from the mountains. Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN 04/22/2013 Traders exchanged currency at the money market. Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

SAVAR, BANGLADESH 04/24/2013 A Bangladeshi woman, who survived the collapse, was rescued. Kevin Frayer/Associated Press

DOVER, DEL. 04/27/2013 Staff Sgt. Miguel Deynes prepared a final uniform for Capt. Aaron R. Blanchard, at the Dover Air Force Base mortuary. Captain Blanchard and his Apache co-pilot, First Lt. Robert J. Hess, were killed in Afghanistan on April 23. Ashley Gilbertson/VII for The New York Times

BOSTON 05/08/2013 Jeff Bauman, 27, rested during occupational therapy, almost a month after he lost his lower legs in the Boston Marathon bombings. Josh Haner/The New York Times

MADRID 05/12/2013 Serena Williams served to her opponent, Maria Sharapova, in the women’s singles final at the Madrid Open. Williams won and retained the world No. 1 ranking. Susana Vera/Reuters

WASHINGTON, D.C. 05/16/2013 President Obama and a helpful Marine at a news conference in the Rose Garden. Doug Mills/The New York Times

MOORE, OKLA. 05/21/2013 Dead horses were piled near an intersection after a tornado plowed through the area. Kirsten Luce for The New York Times

MOORE, OKLA. 05/22/2013 James Akin, 12, outside his home after the devastating tornado. Christopher Gregory/The New York Times

ISTANBUL 06/01/2013 Demonstrators against the Turkish government’s plans to develop Gezi Park clashed with the police near the prime minister’s office. Daniel Etter/Redux

ISTANBUL 06/11/2013 Demonstrators took cover behind a barricade during clashes with riot police officers at Taksim Square. Angelos Tzortzinis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

MANHATTAN 07/15/2013 Having braved the long lines, visitors experienced Random International’s “Rain Room” at the Museum of Modern Art. Karsten Moran for The New York Times

NEAR GOGLAND ISLAND, RUSSIA 07/15/2013 President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia rode in the Sea Explorer 5 underwater research vessel to view the remains of a warship that sank in 1869 in the Baltic Sea. Alexei Nikolsky/RIA Novosti Kremlin Press Service, via Associated Press

CAIRO 07/15/2013 Protesters threw stones at supporters of the ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi near Ramses bridge. Narciso Contreras for The New York Times

LONDON 07/23/2013 Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, emerged from St. Mary’s Hospital with their infant son. Jocelyn Bain Hogg/VII

ALLAHABAD, INDIA 08/06/2013 After a monsoon, a boy dangled from a power line before diving into an overflowing Ganges River. Sanjay Kanojia/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA 08/19/2013 The double-amputee track star Oscar Pistorius was indicted in South Africa in the killing of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. European Pressphoto Agency

FORT MEADE, MD. 08/20/2013 Army Pfc. Bradley Manning headed to a hearing in the WikiLeaks case. He later was sentenced to 35 years in prison for espionage and changed his name to Chelsea. Patrick Semansky/Associated Press

GROVELAND, CALIF. 08/25/2013 Corey Adams of California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife watched the Rim Fire as it burned outside Yosemite National Park. Noah Berger/European Pressphoto Agency

LONG BEACH, N.Y. 08/25/2013 Children played on the beach as the first summer vacation season after Hurricane Sandy was coming to an end. Karsten Moran for The New York Times

WASHINGTON 08/28/2013 President Obama greeted Yolanda Renee King, the only grandchild of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., after a ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Doug Mills/The New York Times

ALEPPO, SYRIA 09/07/2013 Issa, 10, carried a mortar shell in a weapons factory of the Free Syrian Army. He works 60 hours a week with his father at the factory. Hamid Khatib/Reuters

NEAR GIGLIO ISLAND, ITALY 09/17/2013 The wreckage of the Costa Concordia cruise liner was raised off the coast of the Tuscan island of Giglio, almost two years after it sank and killed 32 people. Andrea Sinibaldi/Lapresse, via Associated Press

IDLIB PROVINCE, SYRIA 09/17/2013 A Syrian rebel fighter rested in a cave. Russia claimed that it had new information tying rebel forces to nerve gas attacks on the capital. Narciso Contreras/Associated Press

NAIROBI, KENYA 09/21/2013 Plainclothes officers searched the Westgate mall for gunmen. Tyler Hicks/The New York Times

THE BRONX 09/26/2013 Mariano Rivera, the New York Yankees closer who had pitched on five of their World Series-winning teams, played his last game at Yankee Stadium. Barton Silverman/The New York Times

NEAR SIRACUSA, ITALY 10/02/2013 Syrian refugees aboard an Italian Coast Guard vessel after they were found floating adrift off the coast of Italy. Bryan Denton for The New York Times

LAKE KIVU, CONGO 10/05/2013 Aaron Kubuta, a military chaplain, prayed following a baptism ceremony for members of the Army of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pete Muller for The New York Times

LONDON 10/20/2013 Malala Yousafzai, 16, the Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by Taliban fighters, signed a copy of her memoir, “I Am Malala,” before an event at the Southbank Center. Olivia Harris/Reuters

BROOKLYN 10/30/2013 In Julie Taymor’s new production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Polonsky Shakespeare Center in Brooklyn, Kathryn Hunter, as Puck, arrived from above the stage.

BROOKLYN 11/06/2013 Justin Timberlake performed at the Barclays Center. Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

ADELANTO, CALIF. 11/15/2013 Immigrant detainees exercised at the Adelanto Detention Facility, which houses an average of 1,100 immigrants, who are in custody pending a decision in their cases or are awaiting deportation. John Moore/Getty Images

SAMAR ISLAND, THE PHILIPPINES 11/18/2013 A boy swung in front of Saint Michael the Archangel Church in Basey. Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

KIEV, UKRAINE 12/03/2013 A man looked out at a street teeming with protesters demonstrating against the government near the Parliament building. Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

BROOKLYN 12/05/2013 The 2013 graduating class of New York City firefighters, the most diverse in the city’s history, at the Christian Cultural Center. Todd Heisler/The New York Times

EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA 12/15/2013 Mnikelo Ndagankulu, draped in a South African flag, sat on a hill overlooking Nelson Mandela’s ancestral home and burial ground, Qunu. Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times


Typographic Anamorphism

Teaching Character est le titre d’un article du New York Times sur la nécessité de stimuler la curiosité et l’envie d’apprendre chez les étudiants américains. Avec l’utilisation de rubans de couleurs, le photographe Stephen Wilkes a pu insérer sans retouche numérique des mots représentant les valeurs principales de l’article.

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Teaching Character7
Teaching Character6
Teaching Character5
Teaching Character4
Teaching Character3
Teaching Character2
Teaching Character1
Teaching Character9

“The Power, or Folly, of a Product’s Name” – The New York Times

Dezeen Wire:
in her latest article for The New York Times design critic Alice Rawsthorn strikes a blow against the current trend for naming products with confusing, forgettable or misleading monikers.

The issue was raised by a new housing development near Rawsthorn’s residence in London entitled the ‘Avant-garde Tower,’ that Rawsthorn claims has “nothing original about it, nor radical, provocative, subversive or any of the other qualities associated with the avant-garde.”

In a brief summary of the history of product naming, Rawsthorn describes the rationale behind memorable titles such as Concorde and laments the bizarre use of punctuation in product names such as the Mitsubishi i-MiEV and Th!nk electric vehicles.

See links to more articles by Alice Rawsthorn here.


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Owners of world’s most expensive house choose to live elsewhere

Dezeen Wire:
The New York Times claims that Antilia, the 27-storey house in Mumbai owned by India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani, is still acting as a pricey pied-à-terre, with Ambani’s family choosing to spend their time in a more modest 14-storey converted apartment block in the south of the city – The New York Times

New York Times dubs new Central Saint Martins building “Campus Cool”

Dezeen Wire:
in a review of the new Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design in London by Stanton Williams Architects, Suzy Menkes of the New York Times admires the combination of glass, open spaces and reuse of the exiting building, claiming they make the campus “seem inviting and all-embracing,” and adding that ”the meld of heritage and modernity seems a particularly British combo.” – The New York Times

See our story about the new campus on Dezeen here.

“New York Times names Michael Kimmelman to be new architecture critic” – Chicago Tribune

Dezeen Wire: The New York Times is set to name its art critic and columnist Michael Kimmelman as its new architecture critic, following the departure last month of Nicolai OuroussoffChicago Tribune.

The New York Times

Une magnifique publicité de 60 secondes pour le lancement de l’édition turque du New York Times : Sabah. Une idée de l’agence Leo Burnett, dirigée par Quba Michalski autour de la ville de New York en typographie. Un travail sous 3D Studio Max, After Effects et Photoshop.


Previously on Fubiz

Rapha in the NYT

Rapha in the NYT

My favorite cycling brand, Rapha, showed up in the NYT. That’s an awful nice Independent Fabrication commuter bike (handbuilt in Somerville, MA, my former home.)

UPDATE: I just found the bicycle in question on the Independent Fabrication website.

POST UPDATE UPDATE: The bicycle is showing up on the Roleur site at the Jack and Jimbo’s Bike Shop opening. Roleur is connected to Rapha. Rapha has some partnership with Jack and Jimbo’s. Jack and Jimbo’s is a side project from Jack Spade, which was founded by Andy Spade, who is coming to speak at Stanford University on April 15th, 2009 for a Liu Lecture! Full circle.

Sightings: Joe Ades, Street Peeler-Man

Joe Ades

I was back in NYC during the winter holidays and on the way to the MoMA with my mother, I noticed the man shown above. The first thing that struck me was his attire- a deep brown suit with a bold green sweater along with a well-chosen tie and button-down collared shirt. They all complimented his white hair and beard rather well. What’s more, he had a fantastic British accent and had attracted a sizable crowd for selling cheap carrot peelers.

Today I read about him in The New York Times and found out about his passing on Sunday. It’s amazing how Ades handled the power of context and the value of experience. His iconoclastic sartorial sense and his refined, confident speech drew crowds to watch him peel carrots. I have no doubt that people bought the peelers as a memento of his performance, and not a tool for the kitchen.

Some Props to the NYT

OK, so in my last entry I was pretty hard on the NYTimes.com site and how “slow, plodding and innovation-averse” it — and almost all other similar newspapers — tend to be in an increasingly digital era. Well now I need to give them a few props.

Today, I just found the Times’ “Inside the Playbook” section, where it offers original, 3-D generated videos that break-down certain key plays and strategy in NFL football games. Now those of you who know me, know that I’m a pretty passionate (embarrassingly so, sometimes) Philadelphia Eagles fan, so this was a pretty interesting find for me, personally. See the video grab below:

This is actually a very cool feature. As shown above, it gives step-by-step insight into the strategy employed, as well as a very realistic 3-D rendering of the play itself. The video shown above is the “Explanation” view.

There is also an “Aerial view”:

Aerial view

Aerial view

as well as “Player’s view”:

Players view

Player's view

Most of what I said regarding the NYTimes.com site, as well as the rest of the newspaper industry and their sites, still applies. But I wanted to post this because I am very impressed by the use of this interactive technology! Kudos!!!
