Dev Patnaik book launch at Stanford University’s
Posted in: UncategorizedOn May 6th, Stanford’s is hosting a book launch lecture and reception for Dev Patnaik’s Wired to Care. The book explores the role of empathy and human-centric design principles for driving successful business practice and strategy. Dev Patnaik is an alum of the Stanford Product Design program, founder/principal at Jump Associates, and adjunct professor at Stanford University. I had the pleasure of being in his Needfinding class… one of the results of this class included a drum machine for dogs using the Arduino platform, some piezoelectric sensors, Ardrumo, Garage Band, a MIDI library, and a speaker output. All controlled by a border collie.
RSVP for the launch by May 4th. Lecture and reception at the from 7:00-9:00pm on May 6th.