The Infrared Landscapes

David Keochkerian est un français amoureux de la photographie. Basé dans la Somme. il cherche à capturer l’éphémère mais aussi à associer des techniques photographiques différentes dans ses oeuvres. Avec des paysages pris en infrarouge, il nous dévoile de superbes images à la limite du surréaliste.

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Table Tennis Experience

Présenté comme son projet de fin d’études à Forsbergs School of Design & Advertising à Stockholm, ce projet David Rinman appelé « Match Beat » est une nouvelle expérience, permettant de créer une interaction visuelle et sonore avec la table de ping pong. Il permet aux joueurs de contrôler la musique et l’aspect visuel en jouant.

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

A l’occasion du dernier film de David Fincher “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, adaptation du best-seller de Stieg Larsson, le Studio Blur a réalisé ce superbe générique d’ouverture pour le film. Une création réalisée par Tim Miller visuellement sombre et impressionnante.






Previously on Fubiz

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Theory 11 – Propaganda Playing Cards

div xmlns=””div style=”text-align: center;”span style=”text-decoration: underline;”a href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Picture 25″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156eaf1d4d970c ” src=”” title=”Picture 25″ border=”0″/abra href=”” style=”display: inline;”/aa href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Picture 26″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156fa92070970b ” src=”” title=”Picture 26″ border=”0″/abr/spandiv style=”text-align: left;”span style=”text-decoration: underline;”/spanbrPropaganda series paying cards by a href=”” target=”_blank”Theory 11/a are uniquely engineered to military precision with
unsurpassed quality. They’re an industrial spin on modern playing card design
with a best-in-class feel and finish. We tried them outnbsp; and they are super-smooth! The finish on these cards is unlike what you might be used to – they glide one atop the other making them almost slippery, but excellent in the hands of a pro.brbrThese cards were literally designed for magic tricks, so they are the ultimate quality and should stand up to some pretty heavy use. (See video below.)brbr
p/pdiv style=”text-align: center;”span style=”text-decoration: underline;”/spanspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”a href=”” style=”display: inline;”
img alt=”Picture 23″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156eaf1947970c ” src=”” style=”border: 0px solid black;” title=”Picture 23″ border=”0″/spanbrspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”/span/divpspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”br/span/ppspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”
/span/pdiv style=”text-align: left;”Also check out their other decks, one series was designed with David Blaine (see Split Spade edition below).brbrdiv style=”text-align: center;”a href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Picture 1″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156eaf37e5970c ” src=”” title=”Picture 1″ border=”0″/a
br/div/divdiv style=”text-align: center;”embed allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” flashvars=”vn=/previews/t11_PROPAGANDA_X462.flvamp;vt=;rp=/playingcards/propaganda.php” src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” height=”395″ width=”480″/divp/pdiv style=”text-align: center;”

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