Theory 11 – Propaganda Playing Cards

div xmlns=””div style=”text-align: center;”span style=”text-decoration: underline;”a href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Picture 25″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156eaf1d4d970c ” src=”” title=”Picture 25″ border=”0″/abra href=”” style=”display: inline;”/aa href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Picture 26″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156fa92070970b ” src=”” title=”Picture 26″ border=”0″/abr/spandiv style=”text-align: left;”span style=”text-decoration: underline;”/spanbrPropaganda series paying cards by a href=”” target=”_blank”Theory 11/a are uniquely engineered to military precision with
unsurpassed quality. They’re an industrial spin on modern playing card design
with a best-in-class feel and finish. We tried them outnbsp; and they are super-smooth! The finish on these cards is unlike what you might be used to – they glide one atop the other making them almost slippery, but excellent in the hands of a pro.brbrThese cards were literally designed for magic tricks, so they are the ultimate quality and should stand up to some pretty heavy use. (See video below.)brbr
p/pdiv style=”text-align: center;”span style=”text-decoration: underline;”/spanspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”a href=”” style=”display: inline;”
img alt=”Picture 23″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156eaf1947970c ” src=”” style=”border: 0px solid black;” title=”Picture 23″ border=”0″/spanbrspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”/span/divpspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”br/span/ppspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”
/span/pdiv style=”text-align: left;”Also check out their other decks, one series was designed with David Blaine (see Split Spade edition below).brbrdiv style=”text-align: center;”a href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Picture 1″ class=”at-xid-6a00d8341ca70953ef01156eaf37e5970c ” src=”” title=”Picture 1″ border=”0″/a
br/div/divdiv style=”text-align: center;”embed allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” flashvars=”vn=/previews/t11_PROPAGANDA_X462.flvamp;vt=;rp=/playingcards/propaganda.php” src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” height=”395″ width=”480″/divp/pdiv style=”text-align: center;”

img src=”” height=”1″ width=”1″/

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