TEDx Taipei 2013

Le studio Bito TV a imaginé cette superbe vidéo d’animation d’une grande fraîcheur pour la conférence TEDx qui aura lieu à TaiPei les 28 et 29 septembre 2013. Une création reprenant visuellement les 6 thèmes abordés durant cet évènement à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

TEDxTaipei 20136
TEDxTaipei 20134
TEDxTaipei 20133
TEDxTaipei 20132
TEDxTaipei 20137
TEDxTaipei 20135

Go Further with Ford Trend Conference

Ford invited YD to the Go Further with Ford trend conference where the company will emphasize how newer technologies in production, manufacturing, and design are shaping the company inside out. It was a great opportunity to hear from one of the largest car manufacturers in the world discuss their position in this new era of mobility & transportation. We sent a guest writer, Neil Carpenter to Dearborn, MI to get the scoop. Hit the jump!

This year’s 2013 “Go Further with Ford Conference” was kicked off with Key note speaker Bill Ford, who emphasized their efforts to become a “mobility company”; no longer constricting themselves to a car & truck brand. A growing business focus at Ford is the “Power of Choice” or the democratization of technologies previously seen exclusively in high end vehicles. Very little of Fords technologies struck me as “new”, which at first, was quite discouraging. Rather than developing breakthrough innovations, Ford had chosen to make new technologies more accessible to the average consumer.

Bill Ford expressed his concerns with a projected population growth of 7-9 billion and a resulting Global Gridlock. “There is no single bullet to solve this problem”. As per the future of Electronic Vehicles; the ubiquity of a Plug-In as well as an ending to range anxiety are two major challenges automobile manufactures face. Unless car companies develop an infrastructure, there’s no future for EV’s.

On Tuesday I had the opportunity to sit in on a several fascinating panels. The most noteworthy of which, was a discussion between Jim Buczkowski (Ford) and Steve Wozniak, (co-founder of Apple) called “Disrupting the Drive”. Here, 4 videos were aired showing off Ford’s Concept Evos (the ultimate expression of Ford’s design and technology vision) featuring such innovations as: Real Time Routing, Mood Music, Social Navigation, & Adaptive Dynamics. The Evos pushes the Ford Sync technology to be agnostic of various ecosystems (ie: Microsoft, apple, etc) seamlessly.

Steve and Jim discussed the intelligence of a car and even the possibility of a self-driving vehicle. The dichotomy of active and passive was the essence of this topic. For example: a heads up display paired with tactile controls is far less distracting then a large central touch screen. Wozniak notes that “the technology must improve your driving experience, not impede”.

It’s interesting that we’re beginning to hear more and more from the big car companies. For a long while, they seemed to operate on a totally different track from the rest of industrial design but new tools like 3D printing, the clash of integrated services with telematics provided by technology companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple and environmental concern has dramatically shifted their focus.

Guest Writer: Neil Carpenter

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Go Further with Ford Trend Conference was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Comfort VS Trend
  2. Trend Report: Too Late Watch
  3. Ford Goes Holistic


IDSA’s 2013 International Conference, Breaking the Rules, Aug. 21-24 in Chicago!

As a cutting-edge innovator you are breaking the rules almost every single day! Take the recent iOS7 interface for example, Jony Ive has re-written the rules about the role of a product or industrial designer. So get ready to Throw the Rule Book Out the Window, Blaze a New Path and Kick Your Career up a Notch in the Process! Yanko Design will be there at IDSA’s 2013 International Conference, Breaking the Rules! Question is, Will You?

When we create revolutionary ideas and game-changing innovations, we tear down predefined assumptions. But how can you know which rules to break and which to keep? Find out at IDSA’s 2013 International Conference, Breaking the Rules, Aug. 21-24 in Chicago!

Here are three reasons why you should be a part of this path-breaking conference:

  • Get inspired by speakers who are thought leaders from outside of design with fresh perspectives on how innovators and game changers operate in other fields.
  • Learn from the best including some of the most captivating cutting-edge design leaders
  • Fast track your information exchange with high-octane TED-style 20-minute presentations in a single track.

Some of the Speakers for the 20-minute TED-esque session.

  • Dean Kamen, founder and president of DEKA Research & Development Corp
  • Bruce Nussbaum, award-winning writer, former assistant managing editor for Business Week and professor of innovation and design at Parsons The New School for Design
  • John Bielenberg, founding partner at FUTURE, designer, entrepreneur and creator of Project M
  • Bill Buxton, principal researcher at Microsoft Research, former researcher at Xerox PARC, chief scientist of Alias Research and SGI Inc. and co-recipient of an Academy Award for Scientific and Technical Achievement
  • Pat Schiavoni, global vice president of design for Whirlpool Corp., designer of the 11th generation Ford F-150, the best-selling truck in the world, and the 1994 Ford Mustang, a refresh that is said to have saved the “pony car”
  • Surya Vanka, principal manager of user experience at Microsoft, author and international lecture

Essentially just ‘Break all the rules’ with the first-ever IDSA Unconference!

Unlike the traditional conference where on-stage speakers present to a large audience, everything about the Unconference is completely participant driven! This session will be held only on Thursday, 22nd August.

Multiple sessions run in parallel, each addressing an entirely different subject matter. It’s an excellent contrast to the rest of the conference allowing for more in-depth and personal discussions to take place on an even wider spectrum of subjects.
It is also a perfect fit for the Breaking The Rules theme.

  • Early registration: open through June 15, 2013
  • Regular registration: June 16 -July 20, 2013.
  • Late registration: July 21- Aug. 11, 2013.
  • On-site registration: Aug. 12 -Aug. 24, 2013
  • All registration deadlines are midnight EST

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(IDSA’s 2013 International Conference, Breaking the Rules, Aug. 21-24 in Chicago! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. The Future is… in Boston : IDSA’s 2012 International Conference
  2. When A Room Has No Rules
  3. Pagan Rules For USB


Design Indaba 2013: The Conference: Standout themes from an inspirational week at Cape Town’s exceptional conference on the power of creativity

Design Indaba 2013: The Conference

“Design is an act of misbehaving.” With those words, legendary artist and designer Paula Scher kicked off Design Indaba 2013. Now in its 18th year, Design Indaba always succeeds in bringing some of the most innovative and provocative creative minds on the face of the earth together in Cape…

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99U Conference 2013 Speakers: This year’s inspiring lineup for the annual spring conference

99U Conference 2013 Speakers

The speaker line-up for this year’s 99U conference—which we helped co-found with Behance in 2009—was announced earlier today. The conference, set to be held on 2-3 May 2013, will feature talks by Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia, TaskRabbit founder Leah Busque, Hosain Rahman of Jawbone and returning speaker Charlie Todd…

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Let’s Talk Coffee: Four day conference brings together the world’s most passionate coffee connoisseurs

Let's Talk Coffee

During the Let’s Talk Coffee (LTC) conference, coffee farmers, importers, exporters, financiers, cafe owners, baristas, and the Sustainable Harvest staff gathered in the Rionegro region of Antioquia, Columbia to do just that. People from twenty-eight countries including South America, Central America, Mexico, Africa, Canada, the USA, India, and Europe…

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The all-in-one voice conferencing Hallo hub features hi-fidelity microphones and speakers, color LED touch screen with intuitive controls, Wifi capability, and Skype syncing. Best of all, it’s completely cord free, making it possible to tote around from room to room for quick conferencing. Slim enough to slide into a bag, the low profile design can even go with you on-the-go and can be used anywhere WiFi is available.

Designer: Pushstart

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Hallo! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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The 99U Conference 2013

Tickets are now on sale for the conference on making ideas happen

The 99U Conference 2013

Tickets for the 2013 99U Conference (held in New York City 2-3 May 2013) are now on sale. The conference, formerly known as 99%, is inspired by the famous Thomas Edison quotation “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” As always, the focus is on making ideas happen, with…

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TEDxMogadishu: Rebirth

An impromptu conference aimed at reforming a war-torn nation

For many Somali‬ refugees, the film Black Hawk Down serves as one of their only memories of the civil war that has ravaged their country for the last two decades. This Thursday, 17 May 2012, thousands of expats—along with the rest of the world—will see their nation again in a live broadcast of TEDxMogadishu, an impromptu conference bravely taking place in Somalia’s capital city.

Documenting the event are filmmakers Sebastian Lindstrom and Alicia Sully, a progressive duo who recently shot a feature film highlighting the various ways people use camel milk. After filming the TEDx summit in Doha, Lindstrom and Sully joined fellow organizers in Somalia to finalize plans for TEDxMogadishu and make the underground announcement about the nation-shaping symposium.


With a war on the periphery and pirates on the beaches why risk venturing to Mogadishu when the whole conference will be streamed online via satellite? Well, for the first time in years, Mogadishu is being spared active fighting, and people are coming back and opening businesses. There are success stories to share, like that of participant and supporter Liban Egal, who is the founder of the brand new First Somali Bank.


The goal for TEDxMogadishu is to create a space in which to spread ideas for positive change in Somalia. Lindstrom points out that the group empowering the independently organized event isn’t the first to see a change taking place in Somalia (he helpfully sent over links to The New York Times, Newsweek, Voice of America and Foreign Policy). In some ways, Mogadishu is a model forum for the TEDx conference as it stands on the forefront of something hugely important–the rebirth of a nation.


If you tune in to the satellite stream of the conference on Thursday, you will witness a powerful movement happening in Mogadishu. Along with the short lead time on the announcement of the event, safety precautions are being put into place to protect the attendees and speakers, which Lindstrom says includes “a chef and restauranteur, a real estate developer, the founder of a university, the founder of the first Somali bank, a camel farmer, healthcare specialist, a Somali journalist and more.”

To find out how to attend the three-hour conference you can call or email the organizers. Those tuning in digitally can catch the live feed at 2pm in Mogadishu (12pm London, 7am New York).

AmoebaCorp. at Flash in the Can

Our very own Mikey Richardson (pictured above) represented AmoebaCorp. at Toronto’s Flash in the Can conference in April. His talk on the creative process called “The Things I Learned About Being Creative” was featured in BlogTO’s summary of conference highlights which you can read here.