Pentagram’s William Russell on Designing for Alexander McQueen

In a sea of ever more opulent emporiums designed by the usual luxemaster suspects (think Peter Marino, Bill Sofield, Michael Gabellini), Alexander McQueen stores swim against the high-gloss current. Bold, vaguely apocalyptic, and often shot through with a distinctively ghostly take on baroque exuberance, the shops are the work of Pentagram’s William Russell. In the below video, the London-based architect reflects on a decade of work with McQueen–both the PPR-owned house and the man himself, known as Lee to friends. “He wanted a collaborative relationship, rather than someone imposing a look or a feel onto him,” says Russell of developing the initial store concept with the designer. “He was a true genius–you don’t meet many in your life, and he was an extraordinary man.”


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Tribute to Alexander McQueen

Un hommage vidéo au célèbre créateur de mode britannique Alexander McQueen, décédé en février 2010. Une mise en scène de ses créations et de sa carrière, grâce à une réalisation et une photographie de Nick Knight sur une bande son et un titre exclusif de la chanteuse Björk.



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“Alexander McQueen’s last collection” – The Guardian

Dezeenwire: The Guardian presents a slideshow of the last collection by fashion designer Alexander McQueen, who committed suicide last month aged 40. The collection was presented posthumously by his studio at Paris fashion week – The Guardian.

Related story: Alexander McQueen 1969-2010