Instant Beauty Updates to GIve Your Look a Boost this Winter!

It can be pretty difficult to look fabulous during the depressing winter months. Your complexion can get lifeless and dull, skin can feel itchy and dry, and the painfully cold days can cause you to just give up and stop trying. To combat your winter beauty blues, I’ve rounded up some fun and fabulous products to give your look a much needed boost. Sometimes all it takes is something small- take a cue from Chloe Sevigny who painted her pout in neon orange at the Big Love premiere- to make a major difference in how you look and feel.

Check out my SLIDESHOW for items that will help get you gorgeous this winter and thereafter!

slideshow (5705)

Live art battle: Secret Wars

Secret Wars, a live art freestyle session brings together creatives to challenge one another head-on for 90 minutes. It’s a black and white affair – the sole medium being black paint on a 20 foot canvass. No color is allowed. For more on Secret Wars and how to get involved go here.

Peep this short clip of artists going toe to toe in Milan back in ‘07.

Art Battle in Milan:

Words of a Feather…

Dig this type study by Chris Richter using photographs of birds to form a custom font. This particular study was part of a Typography class at Winthrop University. To see other engaging photo-font creations click here.

via Quips:

Polling Place Photo Project

As we’ve previously mentioned, The Polling Place Photo Project, was an initiative presented by Winterhouse and endorsed by the AIGA. This nationwide experiment in citizen journalism encouraged voters to document, post and share photographs of the primaries, caucuses and general elections.

The University of Hartford is hosting an exhibit which includes 200+ photographs from the archive along with four films by Andrew Sloat about democracy and the constitution. The exhibition opens on March 6th and will run until the 18th.

via DesignObserver:

Unclutterer article in latest issue of Real Simple magazine

Please check out the March 2009 issue of Real Simple magazine, which features an article I wrote titled “10 ways to let go of your stuff.” In the article, I talk about my transformation from a clutterer into an unclutterer (pgs. 119-120).

As of right now, the article isn’t yet on line. If this changes, I will return to this page and update the article. Until it goes online, or until you check it out on the news stand, enjoy this excerpt from the article:

5. Do look a gift horse in the mouth. My decorating tastes may change over time, but I am fairly certain I will never enjoy a home filled with a series of rhinestone-accented paintings of scary clowns. Yet I had hoarded these and other unattractive presents because I thought that was the decent thing to do. I also wasn’t sure what I would say if someone noticed his gift missing and asked why. Well, you know what? No one has. Not even the bestower of the scary clowns.

The magazine is scheduled to hit news stands today. If you have a subscription to the magazine, you probably received it in the mail at some point over the course of the past two weeks.

Melting Light by Daniel Becker

Melting Light arose from experiments with different lampshade forms. In the end, the wave from turned out to be the optimal design for reflecting the ..

Cut & Paste Berlin

Calling digital designers the world over: CUT&PASTE wants YOU for its annual global Digital Design Tournament. Over the course of four months in 2..

Competition: five copies of Lost Buildings by Jonathan Glancey to be won


Dezeen have teamed up with publishers Carlton to give away five copies of Lost Buildings by Jonathan Glancey. (more…)

What Your Gadgets are Doing to the Social Web

Web-enabled devices aren’t just a one way street, you know. While the effect that new content or services online has on your daily experience with your iPhone, XBox, Blackberry, etc. is readily apparent as soon as you start browsing around, a more subtle form of influence is traveling in the opposite direction: gadget use is changing the way the web works. Slowly, perhaps, but in an enduring and ultimately profound way.

Dana Oshiro, marketing director of the “peer-to-peer tech support site” FixYa has done a handy job of teasing out what some of these effects might be, in a guest post for entitled 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media. Some of the findings are fairly obvious — location-based sites like Brightkite and Loopt, for example, owe much of their success to GPS-enable smartphones — while others are more intriguing. Curious how the web will react to pico-projector-enabled phones? Check out the article for a plausible answer.



Alexandre Duret-Lutz

Dans le même esprit que l’album Little Planets, Alexandre Duret-Lutz a mis au point une technique photographique permettant de créer des mondes à partir de panorama 360°. A la limite de l’abstraction, il s’agit d’un formidable travail de projection stéréographique.


Site d’Alexandre Duret-Lutz