The Ten ComMacments (for tech bloggers)


1. Thou shalt religiously follow every Mac Tablet rumor, whether credible or spurious

2. Thou shalt have no other Tablets before me

3. Thou shalt report an October release at $800 with a 9.7-inch screen

4. Thou shalt contradict thyself by also reporting a September release at $699

5. Or maybe even 2010 at $600


6. Thou shalt not covet Gizmodo’s inside scoops

7. Thou shalt enthuse that Steve Jobs is closely involved in the development process

8. Thou shalt not make for yourself an idol, but feel free to make a gallery of speculative renderings

9. And bogus video clips too

10. Thou shalt report Apple is working on a 15″ tablet that runs OSX



Found Form

This family of lamps investigates reusing the wealth we already have in our world, as the shapes of the lamps come from existing objects in our everyd..


The word “etch” has various meanings, with its most common connotation relating to the engraving or carving of a surface. In this case, it also relat..

DS3 by Citroën


French car brand Citroën will launch its new DS3 model at the Frankfurt Motor Show next month. (more…)

A Tour of Chicagos Olympic Plans Before All is Decided Come October

How time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were engaged in the middle of Who Will Be the US’ Olympic Bid City: Los Angeles vs. Chicago, an all-out war that almost destroyed the very fabric of UnBeige. But more than two years have passed now since this writer’s fair city won the battle and we’re just over a month away from hearing out if we’ll land the games. For those of you not living here, so you can get back up to speed in a hurry, here’s a semi-recently released video the 2016 Chicago organization has put out, showing you either a) how the city will be beautifully transformed or b) will be raping all that is good and pure about it, depending on your opinion of the Olympics potentially coming here:

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Cute dogs for your Friday

I had fun photographing Lisa Brawn‘s studio for the fall issue yesterday. Here’s one of my favourite shots of her shop assistants.

Barneby Gates Wallpaper


Quintessentially English with a twist is the best way to describe these gorgeous designs from Barneby Gates. These new kids on the printing block produce beautiful wallpapers that embrace the past with a distinctive contemporary wit. Patterns show typical English influences of country houses, floral decor and heraldry, but on closer inspection have design details that merit a double take.


One, called Deer Damask, translates the iconic stag’s head trophy on a hunting lodge wall into a repeated pattern of stag skulls. Available in either a rich masculine claret and gold or a contrastingly feminine pale blue and gold, it makes for a slightly rock n’ roll twist on the theme of country pursuits. The Carpe Noctem (seize the night) design, a “contemporary take on British Heraldry design,” features crests that depict various states of womanhood along with ironic mottos such as “we train to serve.” Our favourite is the images of a voluptuous bare-chested woman and an inscription that reads, “Bovina Sancta” (Holy Cow!), below.


The creative female minds behind Barneby Gates are artist and illustrator Alice Gates and British Vogue’s Living Editor Vanessa Barneby, a talented interior stylist. With their first collection, they have already turned the heads of influential players on the London design scene. For the upcoming London Design Festival Barneby Gates will showcase their work in Terence Conran’s exclusive The Shop at Bluebird. All the wallpapers use PEFC certified paper and are printed in England using traditional techniques. They are available to buy online at Barneby Gates.

Amy Casey

Amy Casey est un peintre installé à Cleveland et fasciné par le paysage urbain. Ses peintures sont principalement réalisées à l’acrylique et représentent des maisons et autres bâtiments suspendus dans le ciel. Des compositions intrigantes et très graphiques.







Previously on Fubiz

Ask Unclutterer: Can a bathtub be clutter?

Reader Kate S. submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

We have a lovely large whirlpool bathtub in our master bath that we never use. When we bought our house last year, it was a nice selling point, but now it just collects dust and goes unused. What should I do with the extra space? Or how can I minimize cleaning something I never use?

Kate, do you live in my house? Do you read minds? Honestly, this is the exact situation in my home. I have a stall shower that is used daily and a large, whirlpool bathtub that only is used when we bathe our cats. It takes a ridiculous amount of time and water to fill the bathtub to reach the whirlpool intake sensor, so we rarely use it.

In my case, I clean the tub immediately after I use it. The other times I just dust it with a dry cloth when I clean the bathroom.

I am at a loss for what to do with your situation otherwise. I hope that our readership chimes in the comments section and gives both of us advice for how to handle the situation. Like you, I feel that the whirlpool tub is clutter, but too expensive to remove (both in replacement cost and home value).

Thank you, Kate S., for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column. My apologies for not having a solution — but I’m sure checking out the comments will help both of us.

Do you have a question relating to organizing, cleaning, home and office projects, productivity, or any problems you think the Unclutterer team could help you solve? To submit your questions to Ask Unclutterer, go to our contact page and type your question in the content field. Please list the subject of your e-mail as “Ask Unclutterer.” If you feel comfortable sharing images of the spaces that trouble you, let us know about them. The more information we have about your specific issue, the better.

From Vimeo

T&S Teaser 3 from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

Keep in mind that this is CG! Check out his architectural renderings as well.