Best of CH 2012: Most Popular: Bike helmets, Fuelbands, photography, cop cars, nudity and the iPhone 5 topped our traffic charts last year

Best of CH 2012: Most Popular

One thing we pride ourselves on at Cool Hunting is the strength and intelligence of our loyal audience. From the artists, designers and fascinating troublemakers we feature to the individuals of all professions, ages and interests worldwide who visit our site, we’re driven to uncover creativity and innovation in every…

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Best of CH 2012: Art: Our top picks from an extraordinarily prolific year of creative human skill

Best of CH 2012: Art

The contemporary art market reached a fever pitch in 2012, with record-breaking sales occurring around the world at auctions and art fairs alike. While that may have more to do with economics, we couldn’t help but notice the astounding amount of compelling art prompting us to take note this…

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Link About It: Top Picks of 2012: Birth, death and re-birth—a look back at the the news that hit our creative world in 2012

Link About It: Top Picks of 2012

1. RIP MCA Adam “MCA” Yauch—founding member of the Beastie Boys—passed away at the age of 47 following a prolonged bout with cancer. The influential music icon took his group from a garage band in Brooklyn to superstardom alongside Michael “Mike D” Diamond and Adam “Adrock” Horovitz. In addition…

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Best of CH 2012: Booze + Snacks: Futuristic food cells, yerba matte beer and a 50-year-old whiskey in our look back at the year in food and drink

Best of CH 2012: Booze + Snacks

We ate and drank the best of 2012 and plan to do the same in 2013. This is the heyday of the gourmand, with everyone everywhere experimenting with ingredients and looking to explore the final reaches of the food-obsessed revolution. Below you’ll find pairings of our favorite food and drink…

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Best of CH 2012: Brand Stories: Legendary labels reborn and new ventures set in motion

Best of CH 2012: Brand Stories

The entrepreneurial spirit showed no signs of waning in 2012. From new generations breathing new life into faltered family brands to the birth of a Brooklyn surf shop, we welcomed the return of iconic brands and were introduced to some new ones as well. We love when strong brands have…

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Best of CH 2012: People + Photo Ops: Words and images with the designers, photographers and innovators that inspired us

Best of CH 2012: People + Photo Ops

You won’t ever find a “Person of the Year” on Cool Hunting. We’re influenced by too many people and meet more every day that keep us motivated to do and create. When we have the opportunity to interview—and, if we’re lucky, to photograph—one of these outstanding individuals, those become…

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Best of CH 2012: Cool Hunting Video: From venus flytraps to premium denim, our favorite pieces this year

Best of CH 2012: Cool Hunting Video

With the holidays upon us it’s once again that time of year when we look back at Cool Hunting Video content in 2012. This year was a real gem with some fantastic pieces ranging from the world’s largest carnivorous plant nursery to the wacky International Banana Museum. Below is a…

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Best of CH 2012: Five Travel Pairings: Our most memorable destinations and a proper piece of luggage to complement the trip

Best of CH 2012: Five Travel Pairings

This year, like many before it, travel played a central role in the stories we found and the people we met. Not to mention the equipment we had the pleasure of traveling with. Knowing very well that the perfect piece of luggage can make or break a travel experience we’ve…

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