Paolo Pellegrin, Italy, Finalist, Current Affairs, Professional Competiiton
The shortlist for the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards has been announced featuring images across a range of categories, from portraiture to fashion, current affairs to nature and wildlife. Here are our favourites
The 2013 awards attracted 122,000 entries from 170 countries across professional, youth and open competitions. Here’s our pick from the entries. See the entire shortlist here
Agurtxane Concellon, Norway, Shortlist, Travel, Professional Competition
Danish Siddiqui, India, Finalist, Arts and Culture, Professional Competition
Ernest Goh, Singapore, Finalist, Nature & Wildlife, Professional Competition 2013_50p
Gali Tibbon, Israel, Finalist, Travel, Professional Competition (we wish we knew more about the story behind this one but caption information is unfortunately limited)
Jens Juul, Denmark, Finalist, Portraiture, Professional
Manuel Brabo, Spain, Finalist, Current Affairs, Professional Competition
Myriam Meloni, Argentina, Finalist, Arts and Culture, Professional Competition
Oliver Weiken, Germany, Shortlist, Current Affairs, Professional Competition
Pete Muller, United States, Finalist, People, Professional Competition
Ryan Pierse, Australia, Finalist, Sport, Professional Competition
Samuel James, USA, Finalist, Contemporary Issues, Professional Competition
Satirat Damampai, Thailand, Shortlist, Campaign, Professional Competition
Scout Tufankjian, United States, Finalist, Campaign, Professional Competition
Danny Cohen, Australia, Shortlist, Enhanced, Open Competition
Elmar Akhmetov, Kazakhstan, Shortlist, Low Light, Open Competition
Maciej Makowski, Poland, Shortlist, Travel, Open Competition
CR in Print
The February issue of CR magazine features a major interview with graphic designer Ken Garland. Plus, we delve into the Heineken advertising archive, profile digital art and generative design studio Field, talk to APFEL and Linder about their collaboration on a major exhibition in Paris for the punk artist, and debate the merits of stock images versus commissioned photography. Plus, a major new book on women in graphic design, the University of California logo row and what it means for design, Paul Belford on a classic Chivas Regal ad and Jeremy Leslie on the latest trends in app design for magazines and more. Buy your copy here.
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