
Interior fabricated out of a soccer ball. When we were a child, we used to be yelled at for sitting on a soccer ball. But now, even the ‘sitting..


Home 06

Residential bathroom/bedroom for a Japanese/Canadian couple.

Michael Bierut Talks Clients

2010/01 Michael Bierut from CreativeMornings on Vimeo.

In January, Michael Bierut was invited to speak at SwissMiss’ Creative Mornings. His insight on the issue of “clients” is a must see for any working designer. It’s an hour long, but well worth your time.

Thanks Tushar, for sharing

Call For Entries: Earthquake Emergency Shelters

In light of the earthquake in Haiti and the emergent need for short-term emergency shelters, Core77 is inviting designers to create innovative pop-up shelter solutions in their latest 1 Hour Design Challenge. Core77 will donate $500 to Architecture For Humanity’s Haiti Earthquake Support Program in the name of the winner. For more details go here.

Nick Dewar

I was very sad to read that illustrator Nick Dewar has passed away. He was an illustrator that I admired. When organizing The Shatner Show in 2007, I had list of dream participants and I was delighted that someone as talented, busy and well-known as Nick accepted our invitation with such enthusiasm. His humourous silkscreened poster was one of the most popular images of the exhibition. I’m honoured that I had the chance to exhibit his work.

My condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

Rifle Paper co.


I’m a HUGE Rifle Paper co. fan…I think I saw Anna Bond’s amazing designs for the first time over at ‘a cup of Jo‘ and ever since I keep coming back to see what she is been up to … above is the perfect Valentine’s card and below are some cards I just want to frame…


…and I’m sure you have already seen this great tutorials or DIY project from Anna last year, but reminding you again would probably not hurt you 🙂 … the menu-wheel over at Design*sponge …and the pompom vines over at Once Wed


…and I’m seriously considering ordering a set of calling cards with a Custom illustrated portrait set of myself by Anna Bond!

Win Tickets to Terribly Happy at the Angelika Film Center, NYC


In partnership with Oscilloscope Laboratories, Cool Hunting is offering a giveaway to the Danish thriller “Terribly Happy.” Set in a small, provincial town, Denmark’s official Academy Award selection spins a tangled tale around a beleaguered and frustrated cop. Directed by Academy Award nominee Henrik Ruben Genz, Terribly Happy deftly portrays the unraveling psyche of a man.

View the trailer here.

CH will give away five sets of two tickets for any showing of the film at the Angelika Film Center NY, premiering this Friday, 5 February 2010 (some restrictions apply to showtimes available for free tickets). To enter, email terriblyhappy (at) before 9am on Friday, 5 February 2010. Winners will be contacted by email.

Lost Ads

Check out these cool  lost Ads running on Kayak. Thought it was kind of brilliant.

[via Michael Lebowitz]


Geoff Teehan has released the iPad GUI PSD. These comps are great to have in a designers back pocket. Also make sure you download the iphone one as well.