Show Your Sense Of Humor This Halloween Without Sacrificing Your Sexy Side!

imageSure, there’s no sexier quality than your stellar sense of humor, but some Halloween costumes that are meant to be hysterical are also seriously unattractive. We’ll try to ignore that time you went as “junk in the trunk” with a pillow shoved down the back of your pants… and let’s face it — the Mary Katherine Gallagher from “Superstar” ensemble definitely didn’t get you any dates. Luckily there are store-bought costumes available that will allow you to be the true renaissance woman that you are: funny, stylish, and sexy, and maybe not so crafty, but no one’s perfect. Pay homage to a comedic character like a feisty cop on Reno 911, or give fellow party-goers a dose of 80s nostalgia in a sexy Ghostbusters get-up! You may not end up looking quite as skimpy as everyone else in attendance, but hey — the goal is to show off your personality! Browse through the slideshow for a collection of ready-to-wear costumes that are both comedic and cute.

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links for 2009-10-20

Joss + Glee = more awesomer!


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Read more at MTV