Atalantic Sofa by CuldeSac for Bernhardt Design

Spanish designers CuldeSac have designed a sofa using techniques borrowed from automobile manufacture. (more…)

Vaas Municipal Campground by Julien Boidot

Paris architect Julien Boidot has completed three wooden structures for a municipal campsite in the Loire Valley, France. (more…)

Lamp Love by Klára Šumová

Czech designer Klára Šumová has designed a wooden lamp where the turned base emerges from a raw tree branch. (more…)

Michele De Lucchi: Architekturchen at Ingo Maurer

An exhibition of solid wood architecture models by Italian architect Michele De Lucchi will open at the showroom of designer Ingo Maurer in Munich next month. (more…)

The Humidifier That Requires No Electricity

Non poteva che essere di manifattura giapponese questo umidificatore naturale. Il legno è resistente al marciume e rispetto ad un bicchiere d’acqua, offre circa sei volte la velocità di evaporazione. Lo trovate su masuza.

The Humidifier That Requires No Electricity

Contrast Collection by UBICA-ID.

Barcelona designers UBICA-ID. have created a collection of furniture with contrasting coloured and wooden surfaces. (more…)

Redhill Apartment by Studio SKLIM

Beijing architect Kevin Lim of Studio SKLIM has completed the renovation of a public housing apartment in Singapore, where the space is organised by large wooden cabinets. (more…)

Sanna Annukka Shop – Soul Birds

Se siete fan dell’illustratrice finlandese Sanna Annukka, fate un giro sul suo nuovo shop dove troverete tra le altre cose questi deliziosi Soul Birds!

Sanna Annukka Shop - Soul Birds

Tegu Wooden Building Blocks

Divertitevi con questi blocchi in legno magnetici. Li trovate direttamente sul sito Tegu.

Tegu Wooden Building Blocks

Light Movement by Noam Bar Yohai

Israeli designer Noam Bar Yohai has created a series of task lamps made of wooden components held together with elastic bands. (more…)