DnA Talks Rockwells Oscars, Gehrys 80th, and George Lucas Building at USC


This writer is slowly returning to normal after an epic battle with the flu and you, dear readers, were sorely missed. His head is still swimming a bit with all the NyQuil consumed over the past couple of days, so how’s about starting with some short entries for this morning, until he can work his way back up to his regular, irritating verbosity? First up comes an e-mail we received from our good pal and former UnBeige co-editor, Alissa Walker, who alerted us to the most recent episode of KCRW‘s design-focused show, DnA on which Ms. Walker regularly lends a hand. And all biases aside, we must say it’s a doozie, with a big celebrity slant to the whole program. We’re assuming Alissa won’t mind if we quote from her e-mails directly (because she sells things with far more excitement and enthusiasm than anyone we know), so here are some quick details:

We have a grrrrreat DnA lined up for today: David Rockwell on the Oscars, George Lucas on his new USC building (which I was waaaaay excited about) and an all-star tribute to Frank Gehry on occasion of his 80th (February 28 should you be planning your own party).

Go! Now!

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Fubiz Redesign

Da quando siamo partiti con Think, Fubiz è stato per noi una continua fonte di ispirazione! Grazie al nuovo redesign della piattaforma, passa al livello superiore…guardatevi il video di presentazione in HD per capire di che pasta è fatto il nostro amico francese! Girato da Mattrunks con musiche by College (Moulinex Remix) e prodotto da Fubiz stesso.

Fubiz Redesign

The Queen of England Unveils Her New Website


Speaking of England, as we were earlier this morning, and changing things over there, Her Majesty the Queen just rolled out a newly redesigned website. Constructed by the firm Bang Communications who have said they wanted to clean up the site, now in its third update since its launch in 1997, and make it more informative, accessible, and interesting. And in the premiere of the new site, the Queen was on hand to play around with it on a gigantic screen (alongside World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee who was also at the event). But not everyone is pleased with the update, like the Times‘ Technology Editor Nigel Kendall, who says that there is still quite a bit left to be done with it before it’s finished and that its navigation is currently somewhat clumsy. Yet, to present both sides, Kendall also decides that it would be a good idea to get a quote about it from a competitor of the company that got the job, which doesn’t seem entirely fair to either Bang nor the winning competition:

Mark Wilson, a director of Wilson Fletcher, a rival web design specialist whose clients include The Science Museum and Discovery Channel, was less than complimentary about the new site.

“It’s very disappointing,” he told The Times. “I don’t think this expresses how we feel about our monarchy at all. It feels more like a library to me. I really thought that they would do something more progressive this time, try to get under the skin of what the monarchy means. This looks more like a set of Google search results and involves wading through huge amounts of text.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Layer Tennis Kicks Off This Afternoon


A quick note of immediate importance: if you were a fan of last year’s Layer Tennis, wherein hot shot designers compete by exchanging project files built in software like Photoshop, Illustrator, or After Effects, today is your lucky day, as the new season begins at 2pm Central and it’s a doozy. Because it’s the big, celebratory kick-off event, this match will start in San Francisco, travel the world, and end up in Singapore, all in the space of 15 minutes a piece at each designer’s desktop, meaning it’s probably the best way to help kill two hours on a Friday afternoon that you likely wouldn’t be doing anything productive with anyway. The designers for this trip around the globe include Armin Vit in New York, Tom Muller in London, and Armin Osmancevic at the Swedish firm Werk. And if you need a refresher or aren’t yet familiar with Layer Tennis, we highly recommend looking back over this great match our former co-editor Alissa Walker served as the judge for.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Google Celebrates Jackson Pollocks Birthday

google pollock.gifSure, the world may be slowly crumbling around us, but Google has its priorities straight, as usual. Today’s Google homepage features this special holiday logo to commemorate the birth of Jackson Pollock. The artist would have turned 97 today. The specialty logo (or “Google Doodle,” as they’re known in-house) is likely the work of Googler and graphic artist Dennis Hwang, but the company’s crackerjack legal team has hastened to alert those who position their cursors over the ode to Pollock that it is there “Courtesy of the Pollock/Krasner Foundation / ARS, NY.” The ARS stands for Artists Rights Society.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

WhiteHouse.govs Sudden Redesign and Macon Phillips Promise for a More Internety America

0121newwhite.jpgOne of the biggest pieces of news to come out of yesterday’s day long inauguration, at least for this industry of ours, was the sudden slick redesign of WhiteHouse.gov, which rolled out right at 12:00pm, as soon as Barack Obama was officially the new guy in charge. Fimoculous found itself having created one of the go-to internet sensations of the day by posting the before and after screen grabs on its Flickr account, along with this brief write-up on their site. Macon Phillips, the new Director of New Media at the White House, and long time Obama web/design staffer, also wrote a quick update on the redesign about the site and what’s to come, web-wise, with the new administration. All in all, there was a little bit of good design for everyone yesterday, even if you didn’t care that Michelle Obama was wearing Isabel Toldeo (sorry, we couldn’t resist). Here’s a bit from Phillips on one part of how the new site is planned to be used:

Communication — Americans are eager for information about the state of the economy, national security and a host of other issues. This site will feature timely and in-depth content meant to keep everyone up-to-date and educated. Check out the briefing room, keep tabs on the blog (RSS feed) and take a moment to sign up for e-mail updates from the President and his administration so you can be sure to know about major announcements and decisions.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

And DIY Shepard Fairey Posters for All

pope obamaicon.gifStuck at home cleaning up after your wicked stepsisters and no fairy godmother in sight? We can’t help you get to an inaugural ball, but would you settle for a do-it-yourself version of Shepard Fairey‘s iconic Obama poster? Music magazine Paste brings you “a bit of inaugural fun” in the form of Obamicon.Me, a website that allows users to create their own “Obamaicons,” a la Fairey. After the site was bombarded with traffic that Paste describes as “on an exponential growth curve,” the magazine deployed new servers to improve the site’s performance. More than 150,000 Obamaicons have been created in less than two weeks. Among them are those that feature a can of soup (“Progresso”), Groucho Marx (who was a lot funnier than Karl), Brangelina (“Yes We Cannes”), and the Hope diamond. Unable to resist the obvious papal pun, we uploaded a shot of Pope Benedict XVI and went to town.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Neville Brody Appears on Design Matters Today at 3pm


Quickly of particular note: our good pal Debbie Millman has landed a big guest for her show, Design Matters, this week: the one and only Neville Brody. With this latest grab, we’re convinced that there are few other big names Millman has yet to talk to in the design world, but we know she will not quit until each of them are sat down and interviewed. Anyway, make sure to swing by Sterling Brands HQ at 3pm Eastern today to listen to the show live to take in all of Brody’s long and storied career and maybe learn some things about his most recent projects like working with Daft Punk or designing this year’s D&AD Annual.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Progetti in cerca di produttore

Architonic è forse il più completo database disponibile online per architetti e designer in cerca di complementi di arredo, materiali e tecnologie da utilizzare nei propri progetti.
Il portale possiede anche una pagina dedicata al news ed approfondimenti, purtroppo penalizzata da una struttura generale che inevitabilmente favorisce la gestione dell’archivio. Quello che invece ho scoperto da poco, è la sezione che da spazio a prototipi ed concept in cerca di aziende interessate a metterle in produzione. Ho l’impressione che gli aggiornamenti non siano molto frequenti, ma Architonic è un sito ultra visitato dagli addetti ai lavori, ed avere una piccola vetrina disponibile potrebbe essere una buona opportunità.

Semi permanent

Dall’altra parte del mondo (in Australia e Nuova Zelanda), si tiene ogni anno un ciclo di conferenze su design, web e quant’altro organizzato dal collettivo Semi-Permanent. Vedendo le immagini ed i partecipanti delle edizioni recenti sono sicuro che sarebbe grandioso partecipare, ma credo che dovrò rinunciare anche al prossimo appuntamento di Auckland…
L’evento mi è stato segnalato dal buon Simone Magurno, che è presente con una delle sue illustrazioni all’interno del Semipermanent Book 2008, acquistabile anche online.