Kids Nationwide Vie to Doodle for Google

By Britney Stine.jpg“What I Wish for the World” is the theme of this year’s “Doodle 4 Google” contest, in which kids from around the country compete to have their Google logo redesign featured, for one glorious day, on the search giant’s homepage. The judges selected 400 state finalists (100 in each of four grade-level groups) and then narrowed the field to 40 regional winners. Now it’s up to you, the Google-going public, to vote for your favorites. The online voting is open through Monday, May 18.

By Abigail Kois.jpgGiven the global wish theme, the doodles are heavy on world peace, endangered species (particularly polar bears), trees, and energy motifs (one 12-year-old West Virginian with the delightful name of Austin Gage Druid adorned the Google logo with colorful wind turbines). The entries from the students in grades 10-12 tend to be more abstract, including 17-year-old Antony Martinez‘s Google grafitti, created to represent his wish: “for public art to be more accepted.” But we’re suckers for simplicity and so are throwing our support behind 12-year-old Abigail Kois of Wolworth, New York, who put down her pencil and picked up some paperclips. “What I wish for the world is unity,” wrote Kois in her entry (pictured above). “The theme is represented by connected paper clips in my doodle….Each clip is interconnected much the way people are.”

Previously on UnBeige:

  • Cooper-Hewitt Gets In on ‘Doodle for Google’ Contest Action
  • Sixth Grader Designs Google Homepage Logo

  • Sergio Puerto at Serial Cut

    Nuovo sito di Serial Cut™ . Qui potete trovare gli ultimi 8 nuovi lavori del boss Sergio Puerto, insieme altri vecchi…da non perdere!

    Si visitais Serial Cut™ , podeis encontrar 8 nuevos trabajos de Sergio Puerto, junto con otros viejos trabajos, no te lo pierdas!



    Questa mattina ci siamo alzati con una notizia terribile.
    Siamo vicini a tutta la popolazione abruzzese.
    Chiunque volesse offrire aiuti concreti e in particolare ospitalità, deve contattare la Protezione Civile più vicina.
    Per la Lombardia il numero verde è 800.061.160.

    Planned YouTube Redesign Totally a Hulu Approach

    my head hurts.jpgYouTube is taking a Hulu approach to its imminent redesign. Uttering that sentence a mere five years ago would have earned you some strange looks and possibly a tight-fitting strappy jacket (YouTube? Hulu? Is it time for your medication?), but now it all makes perfect sense, even the part about Hulu being run by aliens who feast on tender human brains. Look for YouTube to soon scrap its current navigation scheme—divided into sections for videos, channels, and community—in favor of a layout that highlights YouTube’s premium content as distinct from the user-generated videos that made the site a household name and a Google acquisition target.

    The new design will offer four tabs: Movies, Music, Shows, and Videos. The first three tabs will display premium shows, clips, and movies from Google’s network and studio partners, all of which will be monetized with in-stream advertising. Meanwhile the Videos channel will house amateur and semi-pro content of the sort major brand advertisers have shied away from.

    The Hulu-ness comes in with the redesigned YouTube video player interface, which will display designate scheduled ads with visual markers and allow users to reduce the brightness of their screens outside of the video frame. “It’s totally a Hulu approach, but that’s best practices right now,” an exec familiar with Google’s YouTube plans told ClickZ.

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

    Skype per iPhone: ora disponibile

    Dopo mesi di attesa, finalmente Apple ha inserito nel proprio App Store l’applicazione ufficiale di Skype. E’ disponibile praticamente in tutti i negozi nazionali, il download è gratuito e pesa 2,7Mb. Le chiamate Skype-to-Skype e SkypeOut sono disponibili solo sotto copertura WiFi, mentre la chat testuale anche via GPRS-EDGE-3G.

    Skype per iPhone

    Dont Judge a Film by Its Nostalgic Faux Book Cover

    Ernest Goes to Camp.jpgWhen a website defies both logic and easy description (e.g., Scanwiches), you know you’re in for a treat, and so it is with the “I Can Read Movies” Series by Mitch “Spacesick” Ansara. The growing collection of film-based book covers designed with a Saul Bass/Alvin Lustig flair imagines “novelizations of major pictures” such as Ernest Goes to Camp, Space Jam, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory—in Japanese (English subtitle: “Mr. Wonka! Just Punisher of Coddled Children”). Click on each cover for a bonus comment/film quote. In the case of Wonka, it’s “You’re going to love this…just love it,” which should be said with a maniacal Gene Wilder gleam in one’s eye.

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

    Ai Weiwei Blasts Chinese Government for Earthquake Response

    (Bernardo de Niz).jpgArtist and designer Ai Weiwei, who collaborated with Herzog & de Meuron to design Beijing’s Olympic national stadium, is again making international headlines for his bold blogging in a nation where media outlets—YouTube, for example—are routinely censored for being critical of government policies. After his critiques of the Chinese government leading up to the 2008 Olympics—which he dismissed as a Potemkin village pageant of “pretend harmony and happiness”—Ai is focused on investigating and criticizing the nation’s handling of the May 2008 earthquake that killed more than 80,000 people and left more than 5 million homeless. On his popular blog, he “chides officials for still not having provided a full accounting of schoolchildren’s deaths, which he and many others attribute to poorly constructed schools,” noted David Barboza in The New York Times.

    “I’m really tired of this bull,” Mr. Ai said Thursday in a telephone interview from Beijing, where he has a large studio. “I went there, and I saw the school building collapsed, and next to it is a building that is fine.”

    On his blog, the artist has published his own list of children killed in the 7.9-magnitude earthquake, gathering more than 1,500 names. He has also posted transcripts of conversations he and others have had with government officials who have refused to cooperate with them.

    Ai and a team of collaborators are at work on a documentary about the earthquake. Meanwhile, censors have yet to shut down his blog. “Every day I’m waiting for that,” said Ai. “But it hasn’t happened.”

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

    MoMA Debuts Redesigned Website

    moma web.jpgCall it 2.0. Just in time to showcase the visual tour-de-force that is its new Martin Kippenberger exhibition, New York’s Museum of Modern Art today launches its completely redesigned website. Boasting a cleaner, wider-frame look, the site features larger and bolder images, while an omnipresent menu bar at the bottom of the screen offers easier navigation through five paths: Visit, Learn, Explore, Support, and Shop.

    And the changes don’t end there. The redesign—led by Allegra Burnette, MoMA’s creative director for digital media, and Steven Peltzman, MoMA’s chief information officer—integrates social networking tools (user accounts, access to MoMA’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, iTunes U, and Flickr) as well as options for personalizing one’s MoMA experience, including image-based browsing of the online collection. Finally, the new MoMA Voices section will feature audio commentaries, film trailers, and short videos on exhibitions, artists, and special projects. First up: a commissioned series of 30-second video portraits of MoMA members and staff by the Swiss artist Thilo Hoffmann. Check out MoMA marketing staffer Tamsin Nutter as she turns cartwheels through the empty galleries (probably best not to try this on your next visit):

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

    Michael Hughes

    Michael Hughes ha scattato una serie di immagini dove, con dei semplici ed economici souvenir, realizza fotomontaggi davvero curiosi! Nell’immagine qui sotto un Bus in Regent Street a pochi metri da Piccadilly Circus.

    Michael Hughes

    Samsung Omnia HD

    Presentato in questi giorni al MWC l’attesissimo Samsung Omnia passa al livello HD. Vi dico solo che ha una memoria espandibile a microSD, è dotato di schermo AMOLED, fotocamera integrata da 8mpixel e video ad alta definizione da 720p a 24 frame al secondo.

    Samsung Omnia HD