Jon Burgerman’s Drawings of Girls I’ve Seen on Tumblr: Brooklyn’s cheeky illustrator looks to the ladies of the internet for colorful inspiration

Jon Burgerman's Drawings of Girls I've Seen on Tumblr

by Gavin Lucas Intrigued by the Tumblr-girl phenomenon—where images of girls are posted online and then endlessly reblogged on various Tumblr sites—Brooklyn-based illustrator Jon Burgerman has decided to join in….

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Zeitguide 2013: A pocket-sized almanac to the year in culture

Zeitguide 2013

Each year, consulting agency Grossman & Partners pulls on a wealth of research, intuition and cultural know-how to produce the Zeitguide, a briefing for the year ahead. The project is an addendum to their day job, which involves assessing cultural goings-on and making sense of them for corporations. Founder…

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Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram ??? Social Media Statistics And Facts 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC] – AllTwitter

Did you know that links about sex are shared on Facebook more than any other type of content? Or that 25 percent of Facebook users don???t bother with any kind of privacy control?

What if I told you that if Twitter was a country, it would be the twelfth largest in the world? Would you be amazed to know that 97 percent of fans on the Pinterest Facebook Page are women, or that images shared on Instagram receive, collectively, 575 Likes per second?

These statistics, alongside some other amazing social media facts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogging, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+, can be found in the infographic below.


5 office trends and technologies that will disappear soon


Great infographic!

Mind the Future

Contemporary trends delineated in a comical, design-forward compendium

If you’ve ever wondered about how machines become emotional, if you’re curious about the rise of monocultures or if you were unaware that mounting transparency beckons the end of secrecy, Mind the Future is your guide to the 60 most important long-term societal trends. Essentially a collection of color-coded notecards, the information takes you through scenarios from environmental plights to political conundrums with a bit of wit and a healthy dose of research.


Born from the Web for Interdisciplinary Research and Expertise (WIRE), this think tank-produced collection focuses on movements in economics, politics, technology, society and ecology. Accompanying the predictions are comical graphics that illustrate the problem at hand. A card on 21st-century epidemics shows an obese likeness of Michelangelo’s David, An “I ♥ Botox” T-shirt demonstrates how health has become a status symbol and the redefinition of patents is joined by none other than a tape deck turned Jolly Roger.

MindTheFuture5a.jpg MindTheFuture5b.jpg

In addition to the trends, a set of black cards discusses the world’s most pressing dilemmas, weighing the pros and cons for openness versus isolation, materiality versus virtuality, nature versus artifice and more. Perfect for coffee tables and waiting areas, Mind the Future tempers the oft-depressing outlook for the coming years.

Also worth a look is Mind the Future’s hilarious “trailer“, which demonstrates the box’s wireless capabilities, cutting edge features and indestructibility.

Insetti in scatola

Industrial brand rivolge ai designer una singolare domanda: mangeresti degli insetti solo perché ti piace la confezione che li contiene?
La mia risposta è senz’altro no ma qualcun altro, chissà, potrebbe non resistere alla curiosità e alla “coolness” di un packaging davvero elegante ed intelligente. Edible è un’azienda con sede (e sicuramente anche designer) in Inghilterra che cucina e distribuisce insetti ed animali esotici come vermi, formiche, e coccodrilli. Evidentemente esiste anche questa tipologia di consumatori, nonostante prodotti come il leccalecca alla vodka col gusto di scorpione (e senza zucchero!) sembrano sfidare la fantasia e lo stomaco umano.