Mark Bennett’s interesting spin on homes of the stars
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pThis is too funny–artist A HREF=”” Mark Bennett reverse-engineers homes/A that exist only in cartoons and TV shows, then produces architectural blueprints of them that he auctions off. /p
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pCurrently on the block: Wilma and Fred Flintstone’s sprawling suburban one-story, Lucy and Ricky Ricardo’s tidy two-bedroom pre-war, Laverne DiFazio and Shirley Finney’s basement digs, the wicked circular crib owned by one Jane and George Jetson, and others. I only wish the 24×36 prints had a “view larger” feature on the webpage./p
pimg alt=”LSfactoryline.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”351″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pP align=center”Both this factory and our crappy basement apartmentbrhave absolutely no natural light…I wish I had takenbrthat sunny third-floor studio by myself.”/P/p
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pP align=center”Who the hell designed this place?brThe Feng Shui Isucks!/I”/P/pa href=””(more…)/a
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