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pemIn the video above, a href=”http://www.tokujin.com/”Tokujin Yoshioka/a demonstrates the material qualities of Memory, his new chair for Moroso. Below, a QA about the chair’s backstory and the role design should play in the world. Images of Yoshioka’s work for Kartell and Swarovski can be found in our extensive a href=”http://core77.com/gallery/milan-design-week-2010″/Milan Design Week 2010 Gallery./a/em /p
pbCore77:/b Tell us about Memory, your new piece for Moroso./p
pbTokujin Yoshioka:/b Memory is a chair without a fixed shape, but an infinite, unlimited possibility of form. We are now living in a time of change, so it is important that everybody participate in design. This chair expresses that: people can change the form of the chair freely./p
pbC77:/b Materiality and natural phenomena seem to play an important role in your work. Can you discuss this?/p
pbTY:/b Design is not only about forms or shapes. I want to work with emotions, sound, light, and fragrance. All these things are elements of design. /p
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div style=”align: right;”img src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/2010/04/tokujin-memory3.jpg” width=”468″ height=”313″ alt=”tokujin-memory3.jpg”//div/p
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emThe chairs at the Moroso exhibition were well tested by passers-by./em/p
pbC77:/b Once you have an ideamdash;for example, to grow a chair from a crystal like you did in 2008mdash;how do you investigate it in the studio?/p
pbTY:/b Of course our studio is a design studio. but we conduct many different kinds of experiments throughout the year for each project. For the Memory chair, in particular, I wanted to express a shape that cannot be imagined by human beings. The process started with materialmdash;I wanted to use aluminum fabric. Then, we created about 50 different samples to verify the correct shape and size./p
pimg alt=”memory-material.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/memory-material.jpg” width=”468″ height=”313″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pemFor this project, Yoshioka developed a special, crushable fabric from recycled aluminum./em/p
pbC77:/b What do you want to accomplish with design?/p
pbTY:/b It’s important to create things that will appeal to one’s heart once in motion. It’s not important to design beautiful shapes. I want to create things that will touch one’s heart and stir emotions. That is the value of design, to create feeling by appealing to all senses. /p
pbC77:/b What do you look to for inspiration?/p
pbTY:/b Things that exist in nature are the most beautiful. Things that are not made by human beings are the fountain of my inspiration. /p
p a href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/milan10/”View all of our Milan 2010 coverage /a/p
pimg alt=”tokujin.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/tokujin.jpg” width=”468″ height=”331″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/milan10/milan_design_week_2010_qa_with_tokujin_yoshioka__16468.asp”(more…)/a
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