Weil Baby Tritan Bottles


The near-impossible task of finding the perfect bottle belongs in the “things people don’t tell you before you have a baby” file. Initially, the nipple plays the decisive role—will your baby like it or not? Then, make sure your kid isn’t taking in too much air with the milk or formula. You don’t want a gassy baby, do you?

Many brands of bottles have extra little contraptions to help avoid colic, which involves washing and sterilizing in addition to the bottle. And these days, you have to look for BPA-free bottles too. For a mom who’s gone without sleep or showers for days, it can all feel like way too much.


Luckily Dr. Andrew Weil recently introduced a new stylish BPA-free option that does it all with three easy pieces—a nipple, a ring and bottle. Made from toxin-free Tritan, the
Weil Baby
line has a special engineer-designed “one piece venting system” that so far does the trick in my house, meaning there’s less to wash and less gas.

The bottle starts as a baby bottle, but by changing the nipple and adding a handle it works as sippy cup as the child grows. We love the bright colors of the bottles too. They come in purple, green, orange, blue, and yellow, with matching metallic-like tops and handles in silver, orange, purple and green. The milk looks blueberry- or banana-flavored, even when it isn’t. How fun is that!


The bottles and/or training cups come in five- or nine-ounce sizes bottle and sell from Weil Baby, Amazon, starting at about $9 per bottle.

A gallery experiment:

M. Kawaguchi at TEDxTokyo: “Peace on Earth via the Japanese Toilet”

pimg alt=”0toilettalk.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/0toilettalk.jpg” width=”468″ height=”705″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pPractitioners of the slam-bang international business trip know that it’s possible for you to hit Paris without getting a chance to taste a good baguette; you can be in and out of London without having proper tea; but no matter how brief your stay in Japan, chances are you will encounter a toilet you will be telling your friends about./p

pI know urging you to watch a ten-minute video about toilets is a hard sell, but technology consultant Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s “Toilet Talk” from TEDxTokyo is nothing short of fascinating. Kawaguchi’s skillful blend of delicacy and forthrightness about bathroom business allows him to perfectly explain why the Japanese toilet is a design object Ipar excellence/I; he discusses the Operating-Room-like concept of no touch, the male urge to hunt, female notions of propriety, the significance of six seconds, and how toilet technology services all of these things and more:/p

pobject width=”468″ height=”282″param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/GTguf8ZlAychl=en_USfs=1″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/GTguf8ZlAychl=en_USfs=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”468″ height=”282″/embed/object/p

pJapanese speakers can see the untranslated presentation A HREF=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3CnWavAWzcfeature=PlayListp=15401E13D170EA9Aplaynext_from=PLindex=36″ here/A.br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/m_kawaguchi_at_tedxtokyo_peace_on_earth_via_the_japanese_toilet_16593.asp”(more…)/a
pa href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/GAU2tpkEjBMwPDn8fnxM6Pc-AQo/0/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/GAU2tpkEjBMwPDn8fnxM6Pc-AQo/0/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/GAU2tpkEjBMwPDn8fnxM6Pc-AQo/1/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/GAU2tpkEjBMwPDn8fnxM6Pc-AQo/1/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

Unitasker Wednesday: The Gboard

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Reader Blaine sent us a unitasker that is incredibly worthy of our unitasker Wednesday feature — the Gboard!

From the Gboard description:

The Gboard is a unique keyboard that will turbo-charge your Gmail experience. Simply plug it in via USB, flip on the keyboard shortcuts in Gmail, and you’re on your way to saving valuable time. The Gboard has buttons for 19 of the most-used functions in Gmail. Select multiple messages and star, archive, spam, or trash them.

Or, instead of spending $20, you can go into your Gmail settings (the link is in the upper right-hand corner of the inbox screen), turn keyboard shortcuts on, and then click on “Learn more” to actually learn the keyboard shortcuts that don’t require an external device to use:

The amount of time it will take you to learn the Gmail keyboard shortcuts is less time than ordering the device, waiting for it to be delivered, installing it, and then learning what all of the keys on the Gboard do. (And you won’t be out $20.) Best of all, learning the keyboard shortcuts keeps your USB port free for use with another device!

Muse – Experimental Shortfilm

Commandité par Netfilmmakers Gallery Copenhague, voici ce court film Muse qui est un condensé d’albums numériques des 3 dernières années sur Google Reader et Flickr. Un océan de couleurs et d’images, le tout sur un sound-design de David Kamp. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Getty Images Launches Stock Photo Rights Site

Speaking from experience, it’s often a difficult thing to figure out rights management when you buy something from a stock site. Be it video, music, photography, or what have you, if you’re working at an interdisciplinary type of shop, where your finished product will appear in all sorts of different mediums, those lines can get blurry as to where you’re allowed to use things and how much you need to pay for the rights, etc. Though it’s still infinitely easier than dealing with SAG and AFTRA contracts (don’t get us started), it can be a tricky endeavor. And because of that, Getty Images has teamed with the British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies and the Picture Archive Council of America in creating Stock Photo Rights, a sort of library of stripped-down information about, well, stock photo rights (which we’re pretty sure you could loosely apply to other media content at least as a base). It might be a dry topic, but valuable if you’re in the habit of buying creative content and don’t enjoy a) lawsuits or b) cheating working photographers. And at least they try to sex it up a bit, like with this stop-motion video:

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Nest House by Stephan Ricci AKA Architerroriste

French architect Stephan Ricci AKA Architerroriste has designed a conceptual house shaped like a pair of binoculars and surrounded by a nest. (more…)

Whitegold by Stefan Schöning

Whitegold is an innovative and unconventional collection. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use, major urban projects and domestic surroundings, classic..

Hot In The Hive: Acme Studios Eye Chart Eyeglass Case

imageYou may think I’m weird, but I actually like going to the dentist. Maybe it’s because I’ve been blessed with strong enamel so I almost never get cavities and I like the feeling of super clean teeth after every check up and cleaning. But another appointment I’m loathe to make (besides waxing) is my eye exam. You’re supposed to have one at least every two years so I like to leave them to the last minute. Why do I hate it? Well, I have really bad vision and each appointment is a reminder of how grateful I should be that I live in the 21st century and don’t have to wear coke bottle lenses. That’s why I’m tempted to spare myself the agony and just get the Eye Chart Eyeglass Case instead! The super durable case is made of practically indestructible polyvinyl with a velvety interior so your glasses stay safe from the crush of books and lipglosses in your bag. Plus, I can place the case at a distance and take the eye exam all by myself. Ok maybe not, but I can dream!

Price: $29.95
Who Found It: facadeindreams was the first to add the Acme Studios Eye Chart Eyeglass Case to the Hive.

The Skullmate by Luke Twigger

UK designer Luke Twigger has created a range of skull-shaped containers with cushions for brains. (more…)