Installation for the UK Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010 by Troika

Installations by London agency Troika have been tucked under the edges of the landscaping around Thomas Heatherwick’s UK Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010. (more…)

Frank Gehry Dodges a Bad Press Bullet as Construction Begins on Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem


Wherever Frank Gehry is right now (undersea cave? Zaha Hadid’s spacecraft?), he’s probably thanking the heavens that he resigned from the long-troubled Museum of Tolerance project in Jerusalem when he did. After years of debate whether or not the structure should be built on land that was formerly an ancient Muslim cemetery, with groups forming alliances to try and block it out of concern that the construction would damage the buried human remains, the go ahead was finally given to build the museum and guess what happened? News has come out that the excavators working on the preliminary processes of construction have exhumed more than a thousand skeletons and along the way have severely damaged numerous remains. The AP reports that the Israeli groups responsible for removing the bodies have said they’ve not damaged a thing and that the remains were treated with utmost respect, but the Jerusalem paper Haaretz has published a particularly damning account (along with photos) that claim the contrary, with quotes from the workers saying they were careful at first, but then were encouraged to rush through the process, with little concern for what they found beneath the surface. Whatever the case, it’s not the best press, and like we said before, Gehry must be happy his name isn’t being associated with any of it.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Bag Of The Week: Matthew Williamson Atomic Clutch

imageEver since sequins really hit it big last fall and started dripping off the racks in the form of cardigans, leggings, blazers, and more, shimmery clutches are no longer that unique or unexpected in comparison. However, something about this Matthew Williamson Atomic Clutch seems totally fresh, despite its simple shape and all-over sparkle. Unlike traditional black, charcoal, or metallic silver, the opalescent purple and gold give the clutch a cool holographic-type gradient look, depending on how the light hits it, and the color combo is not only unique but more festive for the warmer months ahead. It’s perfect for a hot summer night out on the town, or a 4th of July party beneath the fireworks (no, it’s not too early to plan your outfit)! Normally a Matthew Williamson bag would burn a serious hole in your wallet, but for 60% off, it’s worth an extra gander!

What: the Matthew Williamson Atomic Clutch
Price: $516
Where to Buy: the Outnet
Who Found it: xgalexy was the first to add the Matthew Williamson Atomic Clutch to the Hive.

55DSL Galactic Battle of Foosball ‘Finals’

Dopo settimane di battaglie, polsi slogati, “palle contese e palle alle difese” abbiamo i 16 team finalisti del Galactic Battle of Foosball.
L’appuntamento e’ Venerdì 21 Maggio dalle 18 alle 21 presso il 55DSL Store di di Porta Ticinese 60 a Milano.
Non mancheranno fiumi di Nastro Azzurro e Spumador sotto i beat dei Mokambo!
Vi ricordo che i vincitori, rappresenteranno l’Italia nella finale mondiale di Bassano del Grappa del 12 giugno e potranno vincere un fantastico viaggio in Sud Africa a luglio.

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

55DSL Foosball Finals

Caught On Camera Tape Dispenser

Questo Tape dispenser lo trovavate in vendita qui. Purtroppo il tempo di mettere il post e scopro che è già in Sold Out. Se fate un giro al Castorama, farvelo da soli non dovrebbe essere un problema.

Caught On Camera Tape Dispenser

Aplomb by Lucidi and Pevere for Foscarini

Italian designers Lucidi and Pevere designed a funnel-shaped lamp made of concrete for Italian brand Foscarini. (more…)

PRPS – Fall/Winter 2010

Stile giappo significa alta qualità e ricerca. Queste shirts fanno parte della collezione F/W 2010 di PRPS.

PRPS – Autumn/Winter 2010

PRPS – Fall/Winter 2010

Nike All Court Low Vintage Fall 2010

Adoro quella suola ingiallita. In uscita questo autunno. I più malati possono pre-ordinarle su End.

Nike All Court Low Vintage Fall 2010

Eastern Design Office

Une sélection des différents projets et travaux du cabinet d’architecture japonais Eastern Design Office, avec ces imposantes maisons en béton. Les façades sont souvent percés par de fines fentes verticales, jouant alors avec la lumière pour un rendu très réussi. Plus d’images dans la suite.



















Previously on Fubiz

Crayon Totem Sculpture

Diem Chau si è divertita a scolpire pastelli di cera.

Crayon Totem Sculpture

Crayon Totem Sculpture