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Poster tridimensionale di Chris Nixon. Ispirandosi ai dream-catcher, ha voluto rappresentare il suo modo di ‘catturare’ le idee.
Spring Break is long gone, but you don’t need a destination like Cancun to get into the spirit of swimsuit season! While swimwear has been out on the racks for awhile now, it’s officially time to stock up — whether you want to collect a bunch of sweet suits to alternate between on your poolside days, or choose one signature swim look to carry you through the season. Bikini, tankini, monokini… the possibilities are nearly endless, and that’s just in terms of the cut of the suit — not even taking into consideration the countless prints, embellishments, and colors to choose from. So how does a girl decide? Naturally, you should always pick a style that suits your body type, but if you’re deciding between a few favorites, why not let Stylehive’s Stylescopes be your guide? Take a look at the slideshow to see which cut of swimwear your sign is destined to rock this week! |
Un spot baptisé “Secret training” par Optus, le leader de la téléphonie mobile en Australie. Un entrainement entre des joueurs et des animaux sauvages, çonçu par l’agence M&C Saatchi Sydney, sur une réalisation de Thierry Poiraud et une post-production du studio français BUF.
Norwegian designers Daniel Rybakken and Andreas Engesvik presented a lamp filtered through layers of coloured screens in Milan last month. (more…)
Un projet et une série de clichés urbains intitulée “Empty LA” et prise par le photographe Matt Logue. Il permet de montrer la ville de Los Angeles d’une manière inattendue, vidée de toute population ou traffic. A découvrir de manière complète, dans la suite de l’article.
Netherlands design studio Overtreders W have designed an exhibition featuring shipping containers made of textiles at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam. (more…)
pobject width=”468″ height=”284″param name=”movie” value=”″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”468″ height=”284″/embed/object/p
pCareer satisfaction, life-work balance, the reality of the changing workplace, and understanding personal goals and priorities has been emotionally draining for many as we surface from the economic crisis./p
pRecently we’ve seen books like ema href=”″What’s Next Gen X?/a/em, the film ema href=””Lemonade/a/em, 37signals’s ema href=””4 day work week/a/em, Frog’s latest issue of ema href=”—life/”design mind/a/em, and numerous others explore these issues #8212; and on the flip side #8212; companies large and small are constantly looking at new a href=””ways/a to attract talent, and retain it!/p
pIn the video above, author a href=””Daniel Pink/a cites 50 years worth of behavioral science research demonstrating that money is only a motivating factor to a point for getting good results. After that people seek autonomy, mastery and purpose to be fully productive and indeed happy. emSide note/em #8212; love the animation that accompanies this talk, originally given at the a href=””RSA/a in London, January 2010./p
pemvia a href=”″Joe Gebbia/a/em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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