Osmo by Tangible Play: An unconventional iPad game platform that takes kids beyond the screen, using mirror technology

Osmo by Tangible Play

During the annual Toy Fair in NYC in February, between the Grumpy Cat plush dolls and temporary tattoos that sing and dance, we discovered a gem: an educational toy that makes use of the iPad in…

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FoundersCard Expands: The membership-based program continues to partner with awesome brands (Audi, Bang & Olufsen, British Airways) and is now hosting exclusive events around the world

FoundersCard Expands

Advertorial content: Creatives, makers and independents all share the same basic desire: the freedom of choice. However, with the mounting pressures of a growing global marketplace, there is an increasing need for designers and artists not only to produce compelling…

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Summer Snapping with the Olympus TG-3: A waterproof, shockproof digital camera for easy outdoor snapping and sharing

Summer Snapping with the Olympus TG-3

The versatile new pocket-sized Olympus TG-3 makes it very easy to take great photos on fly—whether on land or in the water. We tested the soon-to-be-released camera in and around New Orleans and found that a…

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Him: The Website: Bjorn Johansson’s new interactive project, inspired by Spike Jonze’s “Her”

Him: The Website

We were first introduced to digital creative Bjorn Johansson’s work a few years back when we profiled one of his projects, Big-Ass Message, which allowed users the ability to create full-screen,…

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Ultimate Reality: Augmented reality’s next step, tested in a recent media campaign for History Channel’s Vikings

Ultimate Reality

If you live in New York City, you might have seen big ads for the History Channel’s “Vikings” program on bus shelters and phone kiosks; if you’ve noticed fans waving their cellphones in front of them, it means you’ve also spotted …

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Charged: Afterguard: A heads-up display that streams live data for quick decision-making on the high seas

Charged: Afterguard

Racing out on the ocean, the wind can whip mercilessly and consistently, throwing an endless barrage of sea-spray and hurtling your craft faster than its sails and keel can handle. Other times, a swirling gust…

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Wood Wood laptop bag

Wood Wood laptop bag

Il marchio danese Wood Wood ha un paio di nuove laptop bag da 13 e 15 pollici. Pelle a due colori, prezzo così così. Le trovate disponibili sullo store di Hypebeast.

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Promesso, poche ma buone.

Amazon ha il giocattolo che ti svuoterà le tasche


Si chiama Dash Wand e per ora è stato lanciato come testing a smanettoni abitanti del Southern California, San Francisco e Seattle. Questo device della grandezza di un Wii remote, è in grado di scansionare i codici a barre o ascoltare i tuoi desideri per poi rielaborare il tutto, connettersi via wifi ed eseguire i tuoi ordini su Amazon. Per ora è stato attivato sul servizio di consegne a domicilio legato a Amazon Fresh ma sono pronto a scommettere che non ci vorrà poi molto a estenderlo al resto della altre categorie merceologiche. Un ulteriore modo di spendere, sicuramente comodo, senza fare però troppe valutazioni…mi aspetto carte di credito semi-svuotate.