Charged: Afterguard: A heads-up display that streams live data for quick decision-making on the high seas

Charged: Afterguard

Racing out on the ocean, the wind can whip mercilessly and consistently, throwing an endless barrage of sea-spray and hurtling your craft faster than its sails and keel can handle. Other times, a swirling gust…

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Bike Navigation Redefined Thanks to a Hammerhead

I don’t know how I missed this because I know EVERYTHING (joke) but please direct your attention to this crowdfunded project for bicycle navigation called the Hammerhead. It’s a smart tool that guides you to the safest and most enjoyable bike routes. Get the information you need from the corner of your eye, and keep your eyes safely on the road. It simply works. Discover great routes and share them with the community. Hit the jump to see how it works!

They’ve already reached their goal on Dragon Innovation but with 4 days left, it’s not too late to lock in their special deals for early adopters.

Designers: Piet Morgan, Laurence Wattrus, Raveen Beemsingh – Dragon Innovation

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Bike Navigation Redefined Thanks to a Hammerhead was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Airframe Portable Phone Mount: Kenu’s expandable clip turns any car’s air vent into an adjustable phone stand

Airframe Portable Phone Mount

As the weather continues to warm up in the Northern Hemisphere, our inner-compass begins to spin, urging us onto the open road. To assist with navigation once we heed the call is the handy recordOutboundLink(this,…

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Laser GPS In Broad Daylight

The Open Sight is a navigational aid for bicycles that imbibes a safer approach towards riding than traditional gadgets. The case point made by the designer is that we tend to get distracted while trying to find our way using a GPS Navigator. Hence accidents happen; to avoid this situation, the Open Sight GPS beams out powerful directional laser arrows that are visible even during the day. So basically you end up concentrating on your path rather than consulting the GPS interface for directions. The idea has some steam to it and with appropriate refinements I’m sure this can go on to become a good lifesaver!

Designer: Kim Tae-Jin

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Laser GPS In Broad Daylight was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Reusing Daylight
  3. Recreating Daylight by Daniel Rybakken

Navi on your wrist!

NaviMi is a modern compass concept designed specifically for those of who have trouble getting our bearings. The design incorporates a digital compass that goes beyond displaying direction. Just set it at the point of origin and be on your way. The compass will constantly update the distance and direction of where you left off. It’s perfect for hiking, exploring new cities, or simply finding your car in a lot.

Designer: mangodesign

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Navi on your wrist! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. My Wrist Bling
  3. The Power Of My Wrist

See What You Print

Voici le nouveau concept produit par la société Artefact avec ce projet intitulé SWYP (pour See What You Print). Une imprimante innovante conçue avec un écran multi-touch pour le choix des images et le papier. Une ergonomie et navigation radicalement simple. A découvrir dans la suite.








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