Interactive Education with 1000 Days of Syria: A text-based web game, set during the first months of the Syrian uprising

Interactive Education with 1000 Days of Syria

When journalist Mitch Swenson ventured into the north of Syria in September 2013, he witnessed the tragic depths of the war first-hand. Most of the conflict coverage centered around the cities, but Swenson soon found that…

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Osmo by Tangible Play: An unconventional iPad game platform that takes kids beyond the screen, using mirror technology

Osmo by Tangible Play

During the annual Toy Fair in NYC in February, between the Grumpy Cat plush dolls and temporary tattoos that sing and dance, we discovered a gem: an educational toy that makes use of the iPad in…

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Voyager: Designer Ken Amarit creates a different kind of video game from old-school materials, like wool and clay


by Natasha Tauber As the NASA spacecraft Voyager I pierced the outer reaches of our solar system in its 36th year of travel (and became the farthest manmade craft from Earth), New York City designer …

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