Jun 08
Useful Wedding Presents That Won’t Get Returned The Next Day
Posted in: UncategorizedThis week, we’ve found 10 wedding gifts the happy couple will actually use because c’mon, how many towels or toasters do they really need? Okay, so you’re at a wedding, staring at the gift table and playing that fun game where you try to guess what’s in each dramatically-wrapped box. But as you’re getting into the swing of things, impressing inexplicably single groomsmen with your skills and wit, you begin to notice a pattern: half of the boxes are the exact same size. Know why? They’re all full of tumblers. Six to eight tumblers are great. 95? Not so much. Avoid being a giver of boring, repetitive gifts and give the newlyweds something they’ll actually use. NOTE: If you’re not close with the couple or aren’t sure about what they already own, stick to the registry. There’s a reason they asked for that meat tenderizer. Click over to The Frisky for more on relationships, celebs, and of course, style. |