Chiefs Man Washes
Posted in: chief, pine, washesNo, non ho ancora fatto una linea di bagnoschiuma ma questa resta un’ottima alternativa al pattume che trovate nei supermercati totalmente prodotta con ingredienti naturali. Lo trovate qui.
No, non ho ancora fatto una linea di bagnoschiuma ma questa resta un’ottima alternativa al pattume che trovate nei supermercati totalmente prodotta con ingredienti naturali. Lo trovate qui.
Mieux connu pour son travail en matière de typographies, Ruslan Khasanov présente aujourd’hui une vidéo où les interactions entre les couleurs sont réalisées par un mélange entre du savon, de l’huile et de l’encre. Les substances entrent en résistance ou se mélangent pour un résultat superbe sur une musique de Boris Blank.
Gosh shower gels introduce an entirely new shower experience in the form of single-use dissolving tablets that completely eliminate the need for PET plastic bottles. It’s similar to the detergent tablets for your dishwasher only they’re for your bod! Each tablet has two uses; the first layer exfoliates skin before dissolving to the second layer of shower gel that cleanses and leaves skin feeling refreshed with nutrient-rich geyser water.
Designer: Jamie Stewart
Yanko Design
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(Bod Pods was originally posted on Yanko Design)
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