Chop Cards Mobile Sketch Pads

Fate bella figura con il cliente che sta per sborsare migliaia di euro.

Chop Cards Mobile Sketch Pads

iPhone Case Custom

Résultat d’une collaboration entre Halfmann Mennickeim Design et l’agence Elastique, la société Krizzl propose une customisation très créative pour les protections (case) d’iPhone 4 ou 5. Un concept réussi basé sur un cahier à dessin détachable en étui. A découvrir en détails dans la suite.

iPhone Cover Custom8
iPhone Cover Custom5
iPhone Cover Custom7
iPhone Cover Custom6
iPhone Cover Custom4
iPhone Cover Custom2
iPhone Cover Custom3

David Kassan

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There are lots of examples on his site, really tight, super realistic paintings and sketches.

via 40fakes

what i wore today


Artist: Gemma Correll

A quick google of ‘what i wore today’ and you’ll find pages of sites wanting to share their fashion savvy with their readers. Well, what if you’re camera shy or what if you’re not wearing anything ‘branded’ but still feel good about what you put together?  What if you were also an artist?

Introducing the illustrated ‘what i wore today’, started by one of my favorite illustrators, Gemma Correll. She has created a flickr group where artists draw what they wore that day. Her favorites then get posted on What I Wore Today blog. Some of them even find their way to Share Some Candy.

Here are some of my favorites:


Artist: Jen Collins


Artist: John Alan Birch


Artist: Laura Su


Artist: Steve Appleton


Artist: Kate Wilson

See them all!