Triple Exposure Images of Seattle

Le photographe américain Marcus Yam, travaillant pour le Times Seattle, a pris des photos de la ville en technique « triple exposition » sans utiliser de retouches pour créer cet effet. Plus de compositions montrant Seattle sous différentes dimensions à chaque photo, à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Cities From The Sky

Voici de nombreuses vues impressionnantes prises depuis le ciel sur des lieux et des pays aux 4 coins du monde. New York, les pyramides d’Egypte et l’Arc de Triomphe à Paris sont assez reconnaissables mais il y a également des vues plus surprenantes comme ce cliché au milieu de l’Océan Indien. A découvrir dans la suite.

New York, Etats-Unis.

Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis.

Shanghai, Chine.

Mexico, Mexique.

Barcelone, Espagne.

Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.

Venise, Italie.

Spoorbuurt, Nord des Pays-Bas.

Turin, Italie.


Moscou, Russie.

San Francisco, États-Unis.

Paris, France.

Seattle, Etats-Unis.

Chicago, États-Unis.

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Amazon wins approval for Seattle headquarters inside giant orb-shaped greenhouses

News: Amazon has gained planning permission for a new Seattle headquarters that will feature a trio of glass orbs containing a jungle of mature trees and tropical plants (+ slideshow).

Amazon wins approval for Seattle headquarters inside giant orb-shaped greenhouses

Designed by American architecture firm NBBJ, the proposal for a new headquarters for online retailer Amazon was unanimously approved last week by the Seattle planning department.

The 30-metre-high transparent balls will accommodate 1800 Amazon employees, who will be surrounded by a wilderness of plant life that includes green walls, hanging gardens and flowering shrubs.

Amazon wins approval for Seattle headquarters inside giant orb-shaped greenhouses

“The generative idea is that a plant-rich environment has many positive qualities that are not often found in a typical office setting,” reads the proposal document.

It continues: “While the form of the building will be visually reminiscent of a greenhouse or conservatory, plant material will be selected for its ability to co-exist in a microclimate that also suits people.”

Amazon wins approval for Seattle headquarters inside giant orb-shaped greenhouses
Proposal presented earlier this year

Offices will be divided across the four storeys of the greenhouses and shops will be located around the edges of the ground floor.

Three traditional office blocks will also be included around the outside of the new campus, which will be located on 7th Avenue on a site called the Denny Triangle.

Amazon wins approval for Seattle headquarters inside giant orb-shaped greenhouses
Proposal presented earlier this year

The project is the latest in a string of self-contained campuses being built for technology companies, alongside Apple’s ring-shaped building for Cupertino and Facebook’s plans for the largest open-plan office in the world. Sam Jacob explored how these projects are reshaping the landscape in an Opinion column earlier this year.

The post Amazon wins approval for Seattle headquarters
inside giant orb-shaped greenhouses
appeared first on Dezeen.

Test Drive: 2014 BMW 4 Series: We hit the streets of Seattle in an automobile that’s beautiful and functional, inside and out

Test Drive: 2014 BMW 4 Series

by Davis Adams In light of the launch of its new 4 Series coupe, BMW invited CH to the Pacific Northwest to spend some time with what will surely…

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Open Book: John Jenkins of DECODE: The second installment in our series of interviews with small publishers delves into the changing landscape of print media

Open Book: John Jenkins of DECODE

In the second installment of our series of interviews with small art book publishers leading up to the New York Art Book Fair running from 20-22 September, CH chatted with John Jenkins of Seattle-based Continue Reading…

The Aviary: A new micro-shop in Seattle sells objects that inspire and stimulate the brain

The Aviary

by Sam Bovarnick In Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood, on an unusually cloudy summer evening, CH visited Ken Mitchell’s creativity shop The Aviary. Stepping into The Aviary is a joyfully discombobulating experience. The shop is maybe 10×10 ft…

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Coca Cola Life

À l’occasion du lancement du Coca-Cola Life en Argentine, moins sucré et très bien accueilli par les consommateurs, la marque fait appel à Platform, une agence américaine basée à Seattle, pour créer l’habillage de celui-ci. Le résultat est très réussi et à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.







Ed Roth: “Dolly Was Cloned From A Mammary Gland”: The artist and stencil designer questions originality and conformity in a new solo show

Ed Roth:

Brooklyn-based artist and designer Ed Roth, the creative mind behind Stencil1, is showcasing his free-hand talents with a gallery exhibition at Seattle’s Twilight Gallery and Boutique. Opening 8…

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Geometric Labyrinth of Lights

« Through Hollow Lands » est une superbe exposition réalisée par Etta Lilienthal & Ben Zamora au Frye Art Museum à Seattle en 2012. Cette création propose aux visiteurs de s’aventurer en dessous d’un labyrinthe de près de 200 néons suspendus dans différentes configurations. A découvrir dans la suite en images.

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Geometric Labyrinth of Lights

Cool Hunting Video: NW Cannabis Market: Farm-to-table takes a different meaning in our look at this Seattle farmers market

Cool Hunting Video: NW Cannabis Market

During our recent visit to Seattle, WA we stopped by an unusual farmers market, where instead of tomatoes and tangerines, customers can purchase medical cannabis. The NW Cannabis Market, open seven days a week at…

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