Bedlam at the Old Vic Tunnels: Steve Lazarides and HTC host an underground exhibition of insane "outsider art"

Bedlam at the Old Vic Tunnels

While some believe London’s infamous Bethlem Royal Hospital to have shuttered years ago, it is, in fact, still open. Gallerist Steve Lazarides gave us a tour of his latest show deep under London’s streets, taking an artistic evocation of the famous London insane asylum, which does indeed seem unnervingly…

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Polymorph: Feminist Katya Usvitsky explores "the malleability of the female body" through pervasive pantyhose


by Janine Stankus Pantyhose, nylons, stockings—whatever you call them, if you’re a woman you’ve worn them, and you may well scorn them. Artist Katya Usvitsky casts a long look on this classic undergarment for her upcoming exhibition, “Polymorph,” a tactile exploration of the female body. “Polymorph” began with the suggestive…

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In The Shadow of the Tree and the Knot of The Earth: Anish Kapoor gives a tour of his new works at London’s Lisson Gallery

In The Shadow of the Tree and the Knot of The Earth

To coincide with London’s Frieze Art Week, Lisson Gallery has opened a major exhibition new of work by one of the UK’s greatest living artists, Anish Kapoor. Just when it seemed that Kapoor had reached the limits of the art world’s highest echelons, perhaps quite literally with the Olympic…

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Salt Sculpture

Motoi Yamamoto est un artiste au talent incroyable qui compose ses oeuvres avec du sel. Sa dernière création en date s’appelle ‘Floating Garden » et est présentée à la Laband Art Gallery, à Loyola Marymount University. Un travail d’une précision impressionnante réalisé en 11 jours de travail à découvrir dans la suite.

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Global Model Village

A conversation with Slinkachu on his international street installations

Global Model Village

A de facto ambassador for “little people,” London-based Slinkachu delights passersby with diminutive scenes left in unexpected locales. From dunking basketball players and magic carpet riders to hanged men and lonely brides, Slinkachu’s tableaus show off the many faces of the human condition. The quick-witted artist has been doing…

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Skater Chad Muska opens conceptual art space in LA


Merging his love for skateboarding, music, art and mayhem, Chad Muska has opened a conceptual art and studio space next to his store, Factory 413 on Fairfax. Flat425 reveals Muska’s prolific output as part of “Deconstructionism,” a constantly evolving installation comprising mixed-media vignettes with chaotic twists of oil paint,…

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CH Zambia: Mfuwe Day Secondary School

The challenges of providing education to the area’s 600+ high schoolers

CH Zambia: Mfuwe Day Secondary School

For our first Cool Hunting Edition travel experience we brought 24 friends and readers on safari in Zambia. Over the course of eight days CH Zambia guests experienced the wonders and wildlife of Africa with a few surprises from our brand partners. More stories and videos here. Mfuwe Day…

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Newspaper Sculptures

L’artiste coréen Yun-Woo Choi a crée des sculptures impressionnantes en utilisant des pages de magazines pliées et déformées. En les collant ensemble pour composer des formes ce dernier parvient à nous faire plonger dans son univers. Une galerie de ses différentes œuvres magnifiques est à découvrir dans la suite.

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Transparent Face Off Sculpture

Voici de nouvelles sculptures de l’artiste Mario David Fischer. En utilisant des logiciels spécialisés pour composer des sculptures à base de couches de verres translucides découpés, cet artiste nous propose des créations étranges avec un effet visuel du plus bel effet. Plus dans la suite.

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Toffee Sculptures

Focus sur l’artiste Skye Kelly qui nous présente son installation de sculptures faites à partir de toffee, variante beurrée du caramel. Appelée « Creep », le liquide qui se déforme sous l’effet de la gravité donne une matière modulable à cette œuvre intrigante. Plus d’image dans la suite de l’article.

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