The Guiding Light

Only if the Titanic had been adequately equipped with rescue gear, many more people would have survived the sinking. The thing with disasters is that they are unpredictable and the only way to outsmart it is to be prepared. Life Guide is one such rescue equipment that takes advantage of technology to ensure safe rescues on a capsizing boat or ship.

Designed as a quarter-circle shaped device, it hooks onto three others, to complete a full circle. It can be used as an alternate light source and in the event of an emergency red LED light start flashing. Essentially the device can be used as a flashlight, exit guide and flotation gear. RFID signals connect each device to the nearest emergency exit. I like the scope of this gear and hopefully it inspires something as comprehensive as this.

Designer: Huang-yu Chen

Yanko Design
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(The Guiding Light was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  1. Guiding My Bike
  2. Light Wave Surfboard by Santa Cruz Light Studio
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Previously on Fubiz

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